
Example of running JupyterNoteBook with miniconda3 distribution in a Docker Engine

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Project Documentation:

Description: *

What is _______________?

Description: *

Architecture of Synapse Pipeline:

-> [Upload Using XYZ App] 
-> [ADLStorage(../Bronze/.../Input-Data-Files.csv)] 
-> [ETL: Stage_01(Cleaning,Transforming,LoadingInto(Silver))]
-> [VM: Start with ADLStorage(../Silver/.../stage_01_fact_xyz.csv)]
   Stage-02: ....
   Stage-03: ....
-> [VM: Stop]
-> [ETL: Read from Silver and Transform into Gold]
-> [Execute SQL-View Scripts]
-> [Reporting: Create workspace in powerbi-app with Semantic-Model(Star-Schema) & Report.

Code infrastructure:

Description: *

What is Docker?

Description: docker and it's basic *

Why Docker?

Description: *

What is Anaconda(aka Conda) for python?

Description: *

How to start docker:

~>$ open -a Docker
~>$ docker-compose up -d

Open any browser and paste:


How to add python SDK in IntelliJ Project: