
Reimplementing react library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A reimplementation of reactjs library. It is made for learning purpose.

The aim of this library is to simplify the code of reactjs library to better understand react internals.

It uses diff algorithm (just like react) to update only those dom nodes which needs to be updated.

Calculator is an example application which is made using this rereact library.

Supported reactjs features

  • React lifecycle methods
  • React Reconciliation
  • Refs
  • Keys
  • Api: (findDomNode, cloneElement, createElement)

How to use

  • Install this library using npm:
$ npm install @itsprakash87/rereact
  • Tell the jsx parser to use this library's createElement method to parse the jsx at the top of the file and then import the methods
/** @jsx createElement */

import { Component, createElement, render } from '@itsprakash87/rereact';

class App extends Component {
