
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

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What is TopContentPager ?

TopContentPager is framework you can make page like Instagram's MyPage simply.

Specifically, This is UIPageViewController with common scrollable headerView and PageSection fixed at the top in all pages.

A big feature of TopContentPager is that there is a common header that can be scrolled to the top.

It is very difficult to implement such an implementation using ordinary UIPageViewController and UITableView. Because the top header also needs to be scrolled along with the UITableView.

Also, because the header at the top is common, if you scroll to the top on any page, you need to scroll to the top on all other pages. There are many other complicated parts regarding scrolling, but I will omit them here. See the Logic section for more details.

TopContentPager makes it easy to create such pages without having to worry about these difficult issues.


  1. Make Base Class

First, you can make base class extended TopContentPagerViewController and add TopContentPagerDataSource to that.

Then, you must add setupWillLoadDataSource() function and bind dataSource in the function.

class CustomTopContentPagerViewController: TopContentPagerViewController {
    override func setupWillLoadDataSource() {
        dataSource = self
    override func viewDidLoad() {

extension CustomTopContentPagerViewController: TopContentPagerDataSource {
    func topContentPagerViewControllerTopContentView(_ viewController: TopContentPagerViewController) -> TopContentView {
        // return common HeaderView in all pages.
    func topContentPagerViewControllerViewControllers(_ viewController: TopContentPagerViewController) -> [ContentTableBody] {
        // return ViewControllers for each page.
        [Page1ViewController(), Page2ViewController(), Page3ViewController()]
  1. Make Content Page

Second, please add TopContentTableBody to every ViewController to use them as page.

You can set pagerItem. (PagerItem has types .text, .image, .textAndImage, .custom)

So, need to set tableView(or collectionView) to scrollView.

class Page1ViewController: UIViewController, ContentTableBody {
    var pagerItem: PagerItem = .text(.init(title: "ページ1"))
    var scrollView: UIScrollView!
    @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView! {
        didSet {
            scrollView = tableView
  1. Make TopView

Finally, make TopView extended TopContentView.

class TopView: TopContentView {    
    // write your custom code

That's all. you can use TopContentViewController. If you want to customize, you read properties section and sample code.


View Hierarchy

├ ScrollView
| ├ ScrollContentView
| └ ContentTableViewController.View
|   └ ContentInnerTableView
|     ├ ContentTopCell
|     | └ (TopContentView) *When you scroll vertically.
|     └ ContentBodyCell
|       └ YourPageViewController.View extended ContentTableBody
└ EscapeView
  └ (TopContentView) *When you scroll horizontally.

Fix Scrollable Header View Logic

See the gif image below for the logic of scrolling.

Sorry, UIView.TopContentProtocol in the image is old. Now, you can use TopContentView.


you can get Sample Code. It's in the Sample folder in this repository.

Properties and functions


property access description
selectedIndex get, set current page index
dataSource get, set dataSource for topview and pageViewControllers
delegate get, set see TopContentPagerDelegate. it is able to make TopMargin on TopView.
viewControllers get innner ViewControllers with TableView
selectedViewController get current page ViewController
tabHeight get PagerItemsView's Height
headerHeight get TopView's Height
topMargin get TopMarginHeight by delegate


property access description
isHideTabView get, override flag to hide pagerItemsView
tabView get, set PagerItemsView
dataSource get, set see TopContentViewDataSource. you can set TopViewHeight if you don't want to use autolayout.
tabViewHeight get PagerItemsView's Height
estimateHeight get TopView's Height
function description
updateTab(options: UpdatePagerOptions) customize PagerItemsView. see UpdatePagerOptions properties in code.
updateLayout() if you update TopView autolayout, you have to call this method.


case description
text you can set page title text. (text and font)
image you can set page title image. (image, size, and cornerRaius)
textAndImage you can set page title text on the right side of the image
custom you can set custom view for page title. you have to make custom view with PageItemView protocol.



TopContentPager is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "TopContentPager"


  • Swift 5 or greater
  • iOS 11.0 or greater