
My customizations of Posix systems (Linux/Cygwin/Darwin).

Primary LanguagePython

My customizations of Posix systems (Linux/Cygwin/Mac OS X).

How to use it

Under debian linux or other debian derived systems such as ubuntu, it’s simple to set up system-config:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/baohaojun/system-config/ ~/system-config

You probably need to fix some bugs when running after-check-out.sh. And then, make system-config your own by forking it and customizing it.

On non debian systems, it’s not automated yet – patches are welcome.


System-config started out as a very personal project. If you decided to use it, please do so at your own risk, there is absolutely no warranty of any kind😅.

If you have your own customization, it would be a good idea that you back them up before you try system-config. It’s a good idea that you too put your own customization into a git repo, if you have not done so already.

Git submodules

System-config comes with some sudmodules – that’s why there’s a --recursive argument in the usage command – such as beagrep, which will be checked out together with system-config. But there are also some other “submodules”, such as ~/src/github/emacs.d that are not managed by system-config’s git submodule, but as separate projects which will be checked out when running after-check-out.sh.