Touristr is a full-stack photo sharing application, inspired by Flickr. Users can upload photos of places they've been to as well as view photos, comment, and create their own photo albums.
Live Link: Find your inner tourist
- Javascript
- React
- Redux
- Hosted on Heroku
- PostgresSQL
- Express.js
- Sequelize.js
- CSURF Library
- Express Validator Library
- User authentication is completed by hashing passwords using bcrypt js library
- Implementation of CSURF protection to prevent csrf attacks
- Users can view, upload, and edit photos
- Users can add, delete comments, and update comments
- Users can view their photos, albums, and favorites in their profile page
- Photos can be uploaded locally using AWS
- Ultilize Google API so users can map the geolocation of their photos
- Implement favorites
- Add Tags