Getting Started with this Assignment

Deployed Version

Access the deployed frontend on ( This is deployed on Heroku

Running the Project

  1. Clone the repo and perform a yarn install to instal all package dependencies.
  2. Add a .env file in the root directory. Setup an environment variable called REACT_APP_SERVER_URL with the api link appended with /artists. i.e. Setup a variable called REACT_APP_API_ID with your API_ID
  3. Use the yarn start script to start up the application

Directory Structure

  1. src contains all the required components
  2. components contains all reuseable components
  3. router contains main level pages
  4. state contains your context store
  5. utils contains all helper functions and constants required throughout the app
  6. __test__ contains unit tests for all the components

Naming Convention

  1. Files are named according to their main responsibility

Future Features

  1. Add animations on layout shifts