
A web crawler written in python3

Primary LanguagePython

About Crawl in it

Crawl_in_it is a python tool designed to discover URLs. It will help penteration tester and bugbounty hunters to save time, so that they don't have to go manually through all the pages. This tool will generate logs which can helps penetration tester and bugbounty hunters retrieve the results of actions they performed in the past and also will allow them to see the status codes and length of the pages, the tool has crawled through.


Crawl In It logs


git clone https://github.com/itszeeshan/crawlinit.git

Recommended Python

Crawl in it currently only supports python3.

  • The recommended version for python3 is 3.10.x

Installing Dependencies

Installing on Windows

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Installing on Linux

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Installing Modules independently

pip install numpy
pip install argparse
pip install torch
pip install traitlets
pip install bs4
pip install requests
pip install typing_extensions


Short Long Description
-d --domain Domain to crawl into
-o --output Save results to file
-h --help Shows help message and exit

For Example

  • to generate help message
python Crawler.py -h
  • Specifying domain for crawling
python Crawler.py -d hackerone.com
  • Specifying domain for crawling and saving results into a file
python Crawler.py -d hackerone.com -o hackerone.txt

The tool will automatically generate logs!