
Google Cloudshell Free VPS with novnc and Ngrok - AUTOMATION

Primary LanguageShell


Google Cloudshell Free VPS with Docker-novnc and Ngrok - AUTOMATION

Go To https://shell.cloud.google.com and use the below commands

Before starting script give root permission

$ sudo su

1.cloning git repository

$ git clone 'https://github.com/developeranaz/cloudshell-novnc-automation'

2.change dir

$ cd cloudshell-novnc-automation

3.executing vnc

$ bash vnc.sh

4.It asks for ngrok authtoken

Go to https://ngrok.io in any browser & signin or signup, copy the ngrok auth token and paste in terminal

note: ngrok token only

eg: 4OXX56rxxxI0zzZZYXXXXZ0_3xSAyW24irP0xxxxx0xx

5.Acessing VM through browser

After installing necessary pakages The script ends by giving a ngrok url section for accessing Vritual Machine. Access it by using your favourite browser

Tip1: In novnc settings change remote scaling to local scaling for correcting resolution
Tip2: For installing other packages, initially run apt update in terminal of docker machine