
Pinbar is a small command line utility to simulate operations on InvertirOnline stock broker.

Primary LanguagePHP


A stock trading simulator for InvertirOnline

Pinbar is a small command line utility to simulate operations on InvertirOnline stock broker.

Install instructions

Having access to this repo, pull or download the code and then run: composer install

Run tests

In order to run tests, install first dev dependencies: composer install --dev

and then run: ./bin/phpunit

Usage Examples

Simulate a trade of a given amount with a certain stock price

./bin/pinbar 3000 22.75

Prints the simulation for buying $3000 of a certain stock with price $22.75

Simulate a trade of a given stock quantity with a certain stock price

./bin/pinbar -q 100 15.5

Prints the simulation for buying 100 units of a certain stock at $15.5 each.

Simulate a sell of a given stock quantity with a certain stock price

./bin/pinbar -s 100 18.2

Prints the simulation for selling 100 units of a certain stock at $18.2 each.