
SC Puzzle - Perl implementation of a data structure to manage venue seating

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT


  • Seating Chart should be initialized with (# of rows, # of cols) to simulate a venues seating.
  • Given request for a number of seats, the seating chart will return the best seats in oder to satisfy the number of seats requested.
  • If no seats are available to satisfy the number provided, driver will indicate the result as 'Not Available' (false is returned)


Create instance of SeatingChart

my $sc = SeatingChart->new({    
  rows => 3,                    # Define number of rows
  cols => 11                    # Define number of columns

Get request for available seats

my($reqCnt) = 4;                              # Seat request count
my($result) = $sc->get_avail_seats($reqCnt);  # Requesting a block of 4 seats
if($result){                                  # Requested block was found
  foreach(@$result){ print "seat: $_\n"; }    # Print out each seat in returned block

Returns best rated available block of seats (array reference)

Get status of specific seat

my($seat) = "2,6";                             # Seat key (row,col)
my($seatStatus) = $sc->get_seat_status($seat); # Seat status returned

Returns status string of available|reserved as 'O'|'X'

Get remaining number of available seats

print $sc->remaining_seat_count();

Returns the numeric representation of available seats

Set seat as reserved

my($seat) = "1,6";               # Seat key (row,col)
$sc->set_seat_reserved($seat);   # Reserve seat call

Sets seat(row,col) a status of reserved ('X')

Data Structure

# Seating Chart = ({
#   {rows}                # Number of predefined rows
#   {cols}                # Number of predefined columns
#   {best}                # Front-center seat key (row,col) identifier
#   {seats} = ({          # Seats hash
#     {$row,$col} = ({    # Unique seat key
#       "STATUS",         # Reserved/Available ('O'|'X')
#       "SCORE"           # Manhattan distance score from 'best'
#     })
#   })
# })


  • Perl v.5+
  • No external package dependencies used.


Older_solution/solver.pl -> Contains a solution that is somewhat more efficient from the standpoint of limiting the number of iterations over available seats. A global $DEBUG allows the ability to turn off/on logging to STDOUT to see an in-depth view into each operation.