
PDL is a new library language for storing data and variables pdlparse parses them in python

Primary LanguagePython

Python Data Library

The Python Data Library is a python library file and parser pypi-package, To create a .pdl file simply follow this wiki guide. PDL files are marked by the file extension .pdl and can be parsed within a python program using the pdlparse pypi package. The file's syntax is made to be simple and easy to learn it follows very pythonic rules to ease developers into the language. pdl-hl is the VSCode extension made for pdl files it offers custom syntax highlighting for python data librarys depending on your color theme.

PDL Highlighting

In short this extension provides syntax highlighting for types, keywords, comments, strings and symbols, the colors the package uses to highlight is based on your color theme. The example below is using a common theme which is listed here.

Usage Wiki
Screenshot 2023-05-05 10 39 26 AM

Parse Package

The pdlparse pypi package is a easy to use parser for .pdl files, its apart of the wheel therfore you can import it with import pdlparse and install it with pip install pdlparse aside from that all functions of this package are listed on this page and the pypi package can be found here.


  • All wiki pages can be found here
  • The source code for both programs is here

Contact Me

Discord: BadDevoleper#4200
Email: Cooperransom08@outlook.com
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