
ALi a powerful Discord bot that includes Utility, Fun, Music, Moderation, and much more! (Beta)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Version Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License



ALi a powerful Discord Bot

Invite ALi · Report Bug · Request Feature

🎭 Features

  • Music
  • Moderation
  • Fun
  • Economy
  • Utility
  • More

🚀 Installation

You can add ALi to your server with this link! Alternatively, you can clone this repo and host the bot yourself.

git clone https://github.com/coders-src/ALi.git

After cloning, run an

npm install
  • Start the bot with node index.js

to snag all of the dependencies. Of course, you need node installed. I also strongly recommend nodemon as it makes testing much easier.

⚙️ Configuration

Change example.env to .env and fill out the values in: .env

DISCORD_TOKEN=  `The Discord Bot Token, get one at https://discord.com/developers/applications`

COOKIE=  `The youtube Cooke, for Multiple guild`

MONGO_URI= `The Mongo URI, if you want to use the database-reliant features`

🌀 About

ALi is an open source, fully customizable Discord bot that is constantly growing. She comes packaged with a variety of commands and a multitude of settings that can be tailored to your server's specific needs. Her codebase also serves as a base framework to easily create Discord bots of all kinds. You can invite her to your Discord server using this link! Also, you can join the official Support Server for all questions, suggestions, and assistance!

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💌 Support Server


Support Server - Ali's Support Server Invite






Discord Bot with MongoDB

  • Hello! Here is another tutorial in which you will learn how to use the mongodb database.

  • First, let's download the project (you can do this by clicking on me ALi)

  • Next, we need to create a server. This is the longest stage. So make some tea and sit down at the computer: 3

  • If you have any questions/problems go to our Discord Server

  • Come on official MongoDB website. Register or Login into your account.

  • After registration, you will be transferred to another page. You need to click on the green button, then write the name of your project in the window that opens (no matter what you write, this will not affect the work.) Click on the green button. Examples:

  • После, вас попросит ввести Add Members and Set Permissions. На данном этапе можете просто простустить, наваж на зеленую кнопку(это нее играет никакой роли.)

  • And so, we have created our project, now let's create a "cluster". Click on the Build a Cluster button, then in the window that opens, simply click the green Create cluster button (You can also change the name of the cluster if you wish, by default it is "Cluster0")

  • After you clicked on the Create cluster button. You should wait 1-3 minutes.

  • After our cluster has been created, you will see this picture:

  • Okay! The floor is done. Next, go to the Database Access tab. Screenshot:

  • After switching to this tab, we see a green button with the inscription ADD NEW USER, in the window that opens, set the rights "Atlas Admin". Then write your name and the desired password (it is worthwhile to understand that through these data you will enter the database. So write down your password on a piece of paper or notebook.) Save! Screenshot:

  • Now. Go to the Network Access tab.

  • We see a green button with the inscription ADD IP ADDRESS, poke. In the window that opens, in the line "Whitelist Entry", write the value A comment is optional. We save.

  • [🎉] Congratulations! We have created a base, now we need a link to connect to the base. To do this, again go to the Clusters tab

  • We see our newly created cluster. We find a button labeled CONNECT, press it. A window opens, click the second section ("Connect Your Application"). After that you will see the copy button (this link cannot be shown to people. If they find out the name and password from the database, they will be able to manage your database.). Copy the link and paste it into our code. config.json -> dataURL

  • Also, instead of <password>, write your password that you specified in the Database Access tab, creating a new user.

🔐 License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.