
Project built for media devices to display meetings and schedules to corporate clients, built with the Evexi API and ReactJS.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Evexi Media Player

Project details

  • This project was built for displaying meetings and events pulled from Google Calendar using the Google Calendar API and displaying these for corporate clients
  • It uses the Evexi NPM package and its API to pull environmental variables from the Evexi Admin Portal

How to initialise

  1. Sign into the Google Cloud Console Google Cloud Console

  2. Get a free API Key at Google Calendar API

  3. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/itzcodex24/evexi-webapp
  4. Install NPM packages

    npm install
  5. Enter your API and Calendar ID in src/evexi/init.ts

      API: JSON.stringify({
  6. Start the project

    npm run start
  7. Ready to build for media player?

    npm run package

Want to add multiple calendars?

  • Under Other Calendars on the left, click the + icon.

  • Select the Create new calendar option.

  • Enter the calendar name and description.

  • Click on Create Calendar.

  • Wait until the calendar has been created, and exit out of settings.

  • On the main page, under My calendars on the left, hover over the new calendar created and select the icon.

  • Click on Settings and Sharing.

  • Under the Access permissions for events header, tick the Make available to public checkbox.

  • Scroll down until you see your new Calendar ID.

  • Update your config with the new calendar ID.

Built with

  • ReactJS
  • Evexi API


The Evexi API documentation can be found here