
This Voice Assistant currently works as an application based and performs basic tasks like weather updates, stream music, search Wikipedia, open desktop applications, etc. The functionality of the current system is limited to working on application based only.

Primary LanguagePython


This Voice Assistant currently works as an application based and performs basic tasks like weather updates, stream music, search Wikipedia, open desktop applications, etc. The functionality of the current system is limited to working on application based only.


To use this voice assistant, you'll need to have Python installed on your computer. You'll also need to install a few additional packages using pip:

pip install pyttsx3

pip install SpeechRecognition

pip install tkinter

pip install pyjokes

pip install pyaudio

Note: if you have trouble installing pyaudio, you may need to install PortAudio first. And many other additional packages as shown in the voice.py file


To start the voice assistant, simply run the voice_assistant.py file: python voice_assistant.py Once the assistant is running, you can start giving it voice commands. Here are some examples:

"What's the weather like today?" "Open YouTube" "Tell me a joke" The assistant will respond to your command with either a spoken response or by opening a website in your default web browser.