
a simple data warehouse for Bloomberg platform to analyze FX deals.

Primary LanguageJava

BloombergWareHouse API Documentation

a simple data warehouse for Bloomberg platform to analyze FX deals.

API Endpoint


Request JSON Example:

  "id": 1,
  "toCurrencyIsoCode": "MAD",
  "fromCurrencyIsoCode": "USA",
  "dealAmount": 2000

Request Validation

The endpoint performs field validation using Jakarta Validation annotations. Any invalid field triggers a structured error message handled by the GlobalExceptionsHandler REST Controller Advice, responding with HTTP status BAD_REQUEST.

Database Interaction

  • If the FX deal with the specified id does not exist in the Postgres database:

    • The object is inserted.
    • The inserted object is returned.
  • If the FX deal with the specified id already exists in the database:

    • An exception is thrown.
    • The exception is caught and handled by the GlobalExceptionsHandler class.
    • The response includes a structured error message with HTTP status BAD_REQUEST.


  • JUnit 5:

    • The project employs JUnit 5 for unit testing.
    • Extensive test coverage ensures robustness for both controller and service, achieving 100% coverage.
  • Mockito:

    • Mockito is utilized for efficient mocking in unit tests.


The application is Dockerized using a multi-stage Dockerfile, optimizing the Docker image size and ensuring efficient deployment.

Docker Compose

Docker Compose is employed to orchestrate the deployment of two services:

  • The Spring Boot application [PORT 9000].
  • Postgres 13, serving as the database [PORT 5432].

Running the Application

Run Docker Compose (foreground mode)

make run

Run Docker Compose (background mode)

make run-detached

Access the API:

The API is now accessible at - [POST] http://localhost:9000/api/v1/deals

Stop the Application

make down