
Golang Based Account Generator Telegram Bot

Primary LanguageGo

Account Generator Bot

Account Generator Bot, written in GoLang via gotgbot library.


  • Env Vars -
    BOT_TOKEN - Get it from @BotFather
    CHANNEL_ID - Channel ID of Join Check Channel.
    CHANNEL_USERNAME - Channel Username of Join Check Channel.
    ACC_NAME - Name of Service of Which You're making Account Generator.
    LOGS - ID of Logs Chat (Optional).

Adding Accounts

To Add Accounts Just Replace Combos after line 60 in main.go


Deploy Via Heroku.



Join the telegram group for support and the channel for updates.
Demo Bot - Click here

Report bugs, give feature requests there..
Do fork and star the repository if you liked it.


GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Licensed under GNU AGPL v3.0.
Selling the codes to other people for money is strictly prohibited.