About the Project

This project is a Currency Changer developed using Eclipse IDE, TomCat Server and Currency Freaks API. Also I tried using MVC (Model - View - Controller) Architecture.

MVC pattern

First things first, You may have noticed that the project is a simple web app, so the Servlet is a crucial part of it. If You don't know what is a servlet, I recommend You to see this link: Servlet 😄 👍.

In MVC architecture, the servlet has the "Controller Role". Based on this, the servlet file is in currencychanger/src/main/java/controller directory.

Talking about the Model, CurrencyHeader.java file has the most important functions to make the data entered by the user calculated correctely.

The View is basically the index.jsp file

How to use the API

The Currency Freaks API has the free option key.

When you get your API key from the Oficial Site, copy to the urlJsonFile class parameter on CurrencyHeader.java file in currencychanger/src/main/java/model directory. After this, you'll have 1000 "calls" with the free key. Then start the TomCat webserver, run the project and enjoy!


  • Make the project work in Eclipse
  • Make .war file available
  • Make a good, responsive and modern layout to index.jsp