
A complete CI-CD pipeline in AWS

1. Codecommit

Get the source code

  • Create a repo in codecommit and provide codecommitsuperuseraccess role
  • push all your files in codecommit

2. CodeBuild

Build your code just like jenkins

  • It needs buildspec file
  • Create a buildspec file
  • example of buildspec file
version: 0.2

      - echo installing NGINX
      - sudo apt-get update
      - sudo apt-get install nginx -y
      - echo build started on 'date'
      - cp index.html /var/www/html/
      - echo Configuring nginx

    - '**/*'

3. Upload artifacts

  • you can use artifacts stage to upload artifacts
  • create a s3 bucket and provide the name of the bucket and the folder name
  • refer the image below for reference

Screenshot (122)

Screenshot (123)

4. Codedeploy stage

  • Create an ec2 instance (remember the name of the instance as it will be needed in deployment group)

  • make sure to give ec2 permission/iam role for codedeploy

  • the role should have following policies attached Screenshot (125)

  • use ubuntu for ami

  • install codedeploy agent

  • steps to install codedeploy-agent

sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install ruby 
sudo yum install wget
wget https://bucket-name.s3.region-identifier.amazonaws.com/latest/install
# replace bucket-name with aws-codedeploy-ap-south-1 and region-identifier with ap-south-1
# the code for ap-south-1 region will be
# wget https://aws-codedeploy-ap-south-1.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/latest/install
chmod +x ./install
sudo ./install auto
sudo service codedeploy-agent status

  • This stage uses appspec.yml file
  • create a file like the example given below
  • appspec.yml file
version: 0.0
os: linux
    - source: /
      destination: /var/www/html
    - location: scripts/install_nginx.sh
      timeout: 300
      runas: root
    - location: scripts/start_nginx.sh
      timeout: 300
      runas: root

  • in the script folder these are the following files
  • install_nginx.sh

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nginx -y

  • start_nginx.sh

sudo service nginx start

  • Create a codedeployment group
  • Give the permission by creating the following role

Screenshot (124)

Screenshot (126)

CodeDeploy using ECS

  • Create a cluster
  • Give name to the container
  • Provide the repository detail.
  • Make sure the artifacts are set to buildartifact.
  • In the image definitions file in the name provide the value of the container that you created and in the imageUri give the name of the docker repository image name.