
Primary LanguageObjective-C

Developer's Guide

Add the Iubenda SDK to your project

  • Use Cocoapods, with the following configuration
platform :ios, '10.0'
source "https://github.com/iubenda/cocoapods.git"
target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'IubendaMobileSDK', '2.7.1'

To automatically update the library version with pod update, you can set the dependency as:

  • 'IubendaMobileSDK', '~> 2.7.1' for trivial updates
  • 'IubendaMobileSDK', '~> 2.7' for minor updates
  • 'IubendaMobileSDK' for all updates

To use the library in your code:

  • Add import iubenda in your source files for Swift
  • Add #import <iubenda/iubenda-Swift.h> in your source files for Objective-C

Initialize the SDK

In your AppDelegate class, inside the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method, create a configuration object with your settings and call IubendaCMP.initialize()

let config = IubendaCMPConfiguration()
config.gdprEnabled = true
config.siteId = "12345"
config.cookiePolicyId = "252372"
config.applyStyles = true
config.cssFile = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "custom_style", ofType: "css")
config.jsonFile = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "config", ofType: "json")
config.bannerPosition = BannerPosition.TOP
IubendaCMP.initialize(with: config)


setting default description
csVersion current Allow to define which version of the ConsentSolution to use; accepted values are "current", "beta", "stable" or a specific version number
gdprEnabled false proxy for IAB’s IABConsent_SubjectToGDPR setting. If false, Mediation SDK can run mediation across all ad network SDKs. Otherwise, Mediation SDK will run mediation only among the ad network SDKs that are GDPR ready
siteId Id of the customer's site on iubenda
cookiePolicyId Id of the customer's Cookie Policy on iubenda
jsonFile JSON file path to pass custom configuration to the consent UI
jsonContent Same as above, but set as a String
forceConsent true If true, the consent screen will be presented to the user until consent is granted, helping you to maximize consents. If false, askConsent() won’t have any effect if the user dismisses the consent request after the first launch
cssFile CSS file path for adding custom style to the consent UI. Custom CSS can be applied on top of the standard one (applyStyles=true) or by itslef (applyStyles=false)
cssContent Same as above, but set as a String
applyStyles true If true (default) the standard css style is applied to the consent UI
acceptIfDismissed false (default false) If true, when dismissing the popup, and the JS is ready, the notice is accepted
preventDismissWhenLoaded false If true, once the popup is fully loaded, it's not possible to dismiss it without expressing a preference
skipNoticeWhenOffline true If enabled, askConsent() will not show the popup if no internet connection is detected
dismissColor Allows to set a custom color for the close button (×). If not set, the textColor value in the JSON will be applied. If also textColor is not set, the default color will be used
bannerPosition BannerPosition.TOP - BannerPosition.CENTER - BannerPosition.BOTTOM Position of Consent Banner Pop-Up(default:CENTER)
invalidateConsentBefore Date(dd/MM/yyyy - yyyy/MM/dd - dd-MM-yyyy - yyyy-MM-dd - dd.MM.yyyy - yyyy.MM.dd) Accepts a Date, and if valued, it should check if there is a preference already expressed, and if there is and the timestamp is lesser than the day of the configured date then it should not consider the preference anymore
expireAfter Integer If valued, number of days of the consent timestamp and the integer value of expireAfter parameter will be compared, if consent date is passed, the data on device will be cleared (Default: 360 days)
proxyUrl Rewrite the URL that it uses to embed CS
landscapeHeight Integer Set custom height for the first layer in landscape mode
landscapeWidth Integer Set custom width for the first layer in landscape mode
portraitHeight Integer Set custom height for the first layer in portrait mode
portraitWidth Integer Set custom width for the first layer in portrait mode
automaticHandlingOfAtt false If true, SDK will handle the ATT on iOS automatically

Show the consent UI

Method Description
askConsent() Presents the consent UI at app launch
openPreferences() Allow users to change their consent preferences when consent has already been given. Otherwise, it opens the consent request
clearData() Removes all CMP data from local storage

To present the consent UI at app launch, call IubendaCMP.askConsent(from: self) from your main ViewController’s viewDidLoad method:

  • if there’s no internet connection, the call won’t have any effect (provided that skipNoticeWhenOffline is not set to false);
  • if consent has already been given, the call won’t have any effect;
  • if consent has not already been given and a connection is available, IubendaCMP.askConsent(from: self) will make the consent request appear.

Please note that if you’ve set forceConsent to false, IubendaCMP.askConsent(from: self) won’t have any effect if the user dismisses the consent request after the first launch: to show the consent UI again you’ll have to call IubendaCMP.openPreferences(from: self).

So, if your goal is to maximize consents:

  • set forceConsent to true, and
  • call IubendaCMP.askConsent(from: self)

Otherwise, if you prefer to give the user the chance to dismiss the consent request without being prompted again whenever IubendaCMP.askConsent(from: self) is called again:

  • set forceConsent to false
  • call IubendaCMP.askConsent(from: self), but note that it won’t have any effect after the first launch
  • to ask for consent again, call IubendaCMP.openPreferences(from: self)

Notes about IubendaCMP.openPreferences(from: self):

  • if consent has not already been given, IubendaCMP.openPreferences(from: self) will open the consent request;
  • if consent has already been given, IubendaCMP.openPreferences(from: self) will allow users to change their consent preferences.

To have complete control of when to show the consent request, you could rely entirely on IubendaCMP.openPreferences(from: self), but you’ll have to implement a way to check if consent has been given.

Custom consent UI

You can use a custom UI to ask for user consent, without showing the provided popup; in this case, you can take advantage of the following methods of IubendaCMP:

Method Description
accept() Sets the default consent in background
openTcfPreferences() Opens a popup for setting consent preferences
openTcfVendorsPreferences() Opens a popup for setting vendors preferences
openCookiePolicy() Opens a popup showing the cookie policy
shouldGetConsent() You can call this function to check whether it is necessary to ask for user consent, or preference has already been expressed
shouldGetConsentForInvalidateConsentBefore() You can call this function to check whether it is necessary to ask for user consent if the timestamp is lesser than the day of the configured invalidateConsentBefore date parameter
isPreferenceExpressed Return true if the SDK detects an already stored valid preference, "valid" means that if the preference is invalidated by invalidateConsentBefore then the method should return false
reject() Reject the default consent in background
canOpenPreferences() returns true if there is a saved preferences
requestAttConsent() Opens ATT system-permission alert. If user rejects tracking, then clearing the preferences on device
getATTStatus() returns the users ATT status which will be Accepted or Denied. Note that .denied, .notDetermined, .restricted statuses

When using a open* method, you can use the notification observer (see below) to detect when the user has given consent.


import UIKit
import iubenda

class ConsentViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {

                        selector: #selector(consentDidChange),
                        name: NSNotification.Name.ConsentChanged,
                        object: nil

    @IBAction func acceptClick(_ sender: Any) {
        dismiss(animated: true)

    @IBAction func optionsClick(_ sender: Any) {
        IubendaCMP.openTcfPreferences(from: self)

    @objc func consentDidChange() {
        if IubendaCMP.isConsentGiven() {
            dismiss(animated: true)

Accessing to IAB settings

You can access to the IAB settings, such as the encoded consent string, either directly as IAB specs or through the convenience methods offered by IubendaCMP.storage.

Available settings

Method Description
consentString The consent string
subjectToGDPR The SubjectToGdpr setting
cmpPresent True if the CMP is present
parsedVendorConsents The vendors binary String
parsedPurposeConsents The purposes binary String
isPurposeConsentGivenFor(id) Returns whether the consent was given for the passed purpose id
isVendorConsentGivenFor(id) Returns whether the consent was given for the passed vendor id
consentTimestamp Returns the timestamp of the consent (since v1.3.2)

Listening for changes

If necessary, you can listen to changes of user consent through the NotificationCenter by adding an observer for NSNotification.Name.ConsentChanged:

private func observeConsentNotification() {
            selector: #selector(consentDidChange),
            name: NSNotification.Name.ConsentChanged,
            object: nil

@objc func consentDidChange() {
    // ...

Initializing libraries without IAB support

Third party libraries that do not directly adhere to the IAB framework, may need to be initialized separately depending on the consent status and preferences. To achieve that, you can implement a change listener in your AppDelegate and call IubendaCMP.isConsentGiven(), and other methods, to evaluate the consent status.


import UIKit
import iubenda

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

        let config = IubendaCMPConfiguration()
        config.gdprEnabled = true
        config.siteId = "12345"
        config.cookiePolicyId = "252372"
        IubendaCMP.initialize(with: config)


        return true

    private func observeConsentNotification() {
                selector: #selector(consentDidChange),
                name: NSNotification.Name.ConsentChanged,
                object: nil

    @objc func consentDidChange() {

    private func initializeLibraries() {
        if (IubendaCMP.isConsentGiven()) {
            // setup other libraries
    private func initializeLibrariesForTCF() {
        if (IubendaCMP.isPurposeEnabled(id: 2)) {
            // Activate libraries that use "Functionality" purpose
        if (IubendaCMP.isPurposeEnabled(id: 3)) {
            // Activate libraries that use "Measurement" purpose

Offline and errors

The library requires an internet connection to display the consent popup, hence to generate or update the consent string, while the latest consent string is always available on local storage through IubendaCMP.storage.

By default, the askConsent method checks for internet connection before launching the popup activity, so, if there is no connection, the popup is not shown, but will be presented on the next launch. If an error occurs during the consent flow, instead, an error message is shown with the option to retry or close the popup. In this case, setting forceConsent=true ensures that the popup will be presented again if no consent has been given.