
Exception Notifier Plugin for Rails

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Exception Notification

Gem Version Travis Coverage Status Code Climate


The Exception Notification gem provides a set of notifiers for sending notifications when errors occur in a Rack/Rails application. The built-in notifiers can deliver notifications by email, Campfire, HipChat, Slack, Mattermost, IRC or via custom WebHooks.

There's a great Railscast about Exception Notification you can see that may help you getting started.

Follow us on Twitter to get updates and notices about new releases.


  • Ruby 2.0 or greater
  • Rails 4.0 or greater, Sinatra or another Rack-based application.

For previous releases, please checkout this.

Getting Started

Add the following line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'exception_notification'


ExceptionNotification is used as a rack middleware, or in the environment you want it to run. In most cases you would want ExceptionNotification to run on production. Thus, you can make it work by putting the following lines in your config/environments/production.rb:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :deliver_with => :deliver, # Rails >= 4.2.1 do not need this option since it defaults to :deliver_now
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}

Note: In order to enable delivery notifications by email make sure you have ActionMailer configured.


In order to use ExceptionNotification with Sinatra, please take a look in the example application.

Custom Data, e.g. Current User

Save the current user in the request using a controller callback.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  before_filter :prepare_exception_notifier
  def prepare_exception_notifier
    request.env["exception_notifier.exception_data"] = {
      :current_user => current_user

The current user will show up in your email, in a new section titled "Data".

------------------------------- Data:

* data: {:current_user=>
   id: 3,
   email: "jane.doe@example.com", # etc...

For more control over the display of custom data, see "Email notifier -> Options -> sections" below.


ExceptionNotification relies on notifiers to deliver notifications when errors occur in your applications. By default, 7 notifiers are available:

But, you also can easily implement your own custom notifier.

Campfire notifier

This notifier sends notifications to your Campfire room.


Just add the tinder gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'tinder'

To configure it, you need to set the subdomain, token and room_name options, like this:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}
  :campfire => {
    :subdomain => 'my_subdomain',
    :token => 'my_token',
    :room_name => 'my_room'



String, required

Your subdomain at Campfire.


String, required

The Campfire room where the notifications must be published to.


String, required

The API token to allow access to your Campfire account.

For more options to set Campfire, like ssl, check here.

Email notifier

The Email notifier sends notifications by email. The notifications/emails sent includes information about the current request, session, and environment, and also gives a backtrace of the exception.

After an exception notification has been delivered the rack environment variable exception_notifier.delivered will be set to true.

ActionMailer configuration

For the email to be sent, there must be a default ActionMailer delivery_method setting configured. If you do not have one, you can use the following code (assuming your app server machine has sendmail). Depending on the environment you want ExceptionNotification to run in, put the following code in your config/environments/production.rb and/or config/environments/development.rb:

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :sendmail
# Defaults to:
# config.action_mailer.sendmail_settings = {
#   :location => '/usr/sbin/sendmail',
#   :arguments => '-i -t'
# }
config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true
config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true



String, default: %("Exception Notifier" exception.notifier@example.com)

Who the message is from.


String/Array of strings/Proc, default: []

Who the message is destined for, can be a string of addresses, an array of addresses, or it can be a proc that returns a string of addresses or an array of addresses. The proc will be evaluated when the mail is sent.


String, default: [ERROR]

The subject's prefix of the message.


Array of strings, default: %w(request session environment backtrace)

By default, the notification email includes four parts: request, session, environment, and backtrace (in that order). You can customize how each of those sections are rendered by placing a partial named for that part in your app/views/exception_notifier directory (e.g., _session.rhtml). Each partial has access to the following variables:

@kontroller     # the controller that caused the error
@request        # the current request object
@exception      # the exception that was raised
@backtrace      # a sanitized version of the exception's backtrace
@data           # a hash of optional data values that were passed to the notifier
@sections       # the array of sections to include in the email

You can reorder the sections, or exclude sections completely, by using sections option. You can even add new sections that describe application-specific data--just add the section's name to the list (wherever you'd like), and define the corresponding partial. Like the following example with two new added sections:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com},
    :sections => %w{my_section1 my_section2}

Place your custom sections under ./app/views/exception_notifier/ with the suffix .text.erb, e.g. ./app/views/exception_notifier/_my_section1.text.erb.

If your new section requires information that isn't available by default, make sure it is made available to the email using the exception_data macro:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  before_filter :log_additional_data
    def log_additional_data
      request.env["exception_notifier.exception_data"] = {
        :document => @document,
        :person => @person

In the above case, @document and @person would be made available to the email renderer, allowing your new section(s) to access and display them. See the existing sections defined by the plugin for examples of how to write your own.


Array of strings, default: %w(backtrace data)

When using background notifications some variables are not available in the views, like @kontroller and @request. Thus, you may want to include different sections for background notifications:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com},
    :background_sections => %w{my_section1 my_section2 backtrace data}

Hash of strings, default: {}

Additionally, you may want to set customized headers on the outcoming emails. To do so, simply use the :email_headers option:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix         => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address       => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com},
    :email_headers        => { "X-Custom-Header" => "foobar" }

Boolean, default: true

If enabled, include the exception message in the subject. Use :verbose_subject => false to exclude it.


Boolean, default: false

If enabled, remove numbers from subject so they thread as a single one. Use :normalize_subject => true to enable it.


Boolean, default: true

If enabled, include the controller and action names in the subject. Use :include_controller_and_action_names_in_subject => false to exclude them.


Symbol, default: :text

By default, ExceptionNotification sends emails in plain text, in order to sends multipart notifications (aka HTML emails) use :email_format => :html.


Symbol, default: :smtp

By default, ExceptionNotification sends emails using the ActionMailer configuration of the application. In order to send emails by another delivery method, use the delivery_method option:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix         => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address       => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com},
    :delivery_method => :postmark,
    :postmark_settings => {
      :api_key => ENV["POSTMARK_API_KEY"]

Besides the delivery_method option, you also can customize the mailer settings by passing a hash under an option named DELIVERY_METHOD_settings. Thus, you can use override specific SMTP settings for notifications using:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix         => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address       => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com},
    :delivery_method => :smtp,
    :smtp_settings => {
      :user_name => "bob",
      :password => "password",

A complete list of smtp_settings options can be found in the ActionMailer Configuration documentation.


String, default: ActionMailer::Base

The parent mailer which ExceptionNotification mailer inherit from.


*Symbol, default: :deliver_now

The method name to send emalis using ActionMailer.

HipChat notifier

This notifier sends notifications to your Hipchat room.


Just add the hipchat gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'hipchat'

To configure it, you need to set the token and room_name options, like this:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}
  :hipchat => {
    :api_token => 'my_token',
    :room_name => 'my_room'



String, required

The HipChat room where the notifications must be published to.


String, required

The API token to allow access to your HipChat account.


Boolean, optional

Notify users. Default : false.


String, optional

Color of the message. Default : 'red'.


String, optional, maximum length : 15

Message will appear from this nickname. Default : 'Exception'.


String, optional

Custom Server URL for self-hosted, Enterprise HipChat Server

For all options & possible values see Hipchat API.

IRC notifier

This notifier sends notifications to an IRC channel using the carrier-pigeon gem.


Just add the carrier-pigeon gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'carrier-pigeon'

To configure it, you need to set at least the 'domain' option, like this:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}
  :irc => {
    :domain => 'irc.example.com'

There are several other options, which are described below. For example, to use ssl and a password, add a prefix, post to the '#log' channel, and include recipients in the message (so that they will be notified), your configuration might look like this:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :irc => {
    :domain => 'irc.example.com',
    :nick => 'BadNewsBot',
    :password => 'secret',
    :port => 6697,
    :channel => '#log',
    :ssl => true,
    :prefix => '[Exception Notification]',
    :recipients => ['peter', 'michael', 'samir']



String, required

The domain name of your IRC server.


String, optional

The message will appear from this nick. Default : 'ExceptionNotifierBot'.


String, optional

Password for your IRC server.


String, optional

Port your IRC server is listening on. Default : 6667.


String, optional

Message will appear in this channel. Default : '#log'.


Boolean, optional

Send a notice. Default : false.


Boolean, optional

Whether to use SSL. Default : false.


Boolean, optional

Join a channel. Default : false.


Array of strings, optional

Nicks to include in the message. Default: []

Slack notifier

This notifier sends notifications to a slack channel using the slack-notifier gem.


Just add the slack-notifier gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'slack-notifier'

To configure it, you need to set at least the 'webhook_url' option, like this:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}
  :slack => {
    :webhook_url => "[Your webhook url]",
    :channel => "#exceptions",
    :additional_parameters => {
      :icon_url => "http://image.jpg",
      :mrkdwn => true

The slack notification will include any data saved under env["exception_notifier.exception_data"].

An example of how to send the server name to Slack in Rails (put this code in application_controller.rb):

before_filter :set_notification

def set_notification
     request.env['exception_notifier.exception_data'] = {"server" => request.env['SERVER_NAME']}
     # can be any key-value pairs

If you find this too verbose, you can determine to exclude certain information by doing the following:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :slack => {
    :webhook_url => "[Your webhook url]",
    :channel => "#exceptions",
    :additional_parameters => {
      :icon_url => "http://image.jpg",
      :mrkdwn => true
    :ignore_data_if => lambda {|key, value|
      "#{key}" == 'key_to_ignore' || value.is_a?(ClassToBeIgnored)

Any evaluation to true will cause the key / value pair not be be sent along to Slack.



String, required

The Incoming WebHook URL on slack.


String, optional

Message will appear in this channel. Defaults to the channel you set as such on slack.


String, optional

Username of the bot. Defaults to the name you set as such on slack


String, optional

Custom hook name. See slack-notifier for more information. Default: 'incoming-webhook'


Hash of strings, optional

Contains additional payload for a message (e.g avatar, attachments, etc). See slack-notifier for more information.. Default: '{}'


Array of Hashes, optional

Contains additional fields that will be added to the attachement. See Slack documentation.

Mattermost notifier

Post notification in a mattermost channel via incoming webhook

Just add the HTTParty gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'httparty'

To configure it, you need to set the webhook_url option. You can also specify an other channel with channel option.

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}
  :mattermost => {
    :webhook_url => 'http://your-mattermost.com/hooks/blablabla',
    :channel => 'my-channel'

If you are using Github or Gitlab for issues tracking, you can specify git_url as follow to add a Create issue link in you notification. By default this will use your Rails application name to match the git repository. If yours differ you can specify app_name.

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}
  :mattermost => {
    :webhook_url => 'http://your-mattermost.com/hooks/blablabla',
    :git_url => 'github.com/aschen'

You can also specify the bot name and avatar with username and avatar options.

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}
  :mattermost => {
    :webhook_url => 'http://your-mattermost.com/hooks/blablabla',
    :avatar => 'http://example.com/your-image.png',
    :username => 'Fail bot'

Finally since the notifier use HTTParty, you can include all HTTParty options, like basic_auth for example.

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}
  :mattermost => {
    :webhook_url => 'http://your-mattermost.com/hooks/blablabla',
    :basic_auth => {
      :username => 'clara',
      :password => 'password'



String, required

The Incoming WebHook URL on mattermost.


String, optional

Message will appear in this channel. Defaults to the channel you set as such on mattermost.


String, optional

Username of the bot. Defaults to "Incoming Webhook"


String, optional

Avatar of the bot. Defaults to incoming webhook icon.


String, optional

Url of your gitlab or github with your organisation name for issue creation link (Eg: github.com/aschen). Defaults to nil and don't add link to the notification.


String, optional

Your application name used for issue creation link. Defaults to Rails.application.class.parent_name.underscore.

WebHook notifier

This notifier ships notifications over the HTTP protocol.


Just add the HTTParty gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'httparty'

To configure it, you need to set the url option, like this:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}
  :webhook => {
    :url => 'http://domain.com:5555/hubot/path'

By default, the WebhookNotifier will call the URLs using the POST method. But, you can change this using the http_method option.

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}
  :webhook => {
    :url => 'http://domain.com:5555/hubot/path',
    :http_method => :get

Besides the url and http_method options, all the other options are passed directly to HTTParty. Thus, if the HTTP server requires authentication, you can include the following options:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}
  :webhook => {
    :url => 'http://domain.com:5555/hubot/path',
    :basic_auth => {
      :username => 'alice',
      :password => 'password'

For more HTTParty options, check out the documentation.

Custom notifier

Simply put, notifiers are objects which respond to #call(exception, options) method. Thus, a lambda can be used as a notifier as follow:

ExceptionNotifier.add_notifier :custom_notifier_name,
  ->(exception, options) { puts "Something goes wrong: #{exception.message}"}

More advanced users or third-party framework developers, also can create notifiers to be shipped in gems and take advantage of ExceptionNotification's Notifier API to standardize the various solutions out there. For this, beyond the #call(exception, options) method, the notifier class MUST BE defined under the ExceptionNotifier namespace and its name sufixed by Notifier, e.g: ExceptionNotifier::SimpleNotifier.


Define the custom notifier:

module ExceptionNotifier
  class SimpleNotifier
    def initialize(options)
      # do something with the options...

    def call(exception, options={})
      # send the notification

Using it:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}
  :simple => {
    # simple notifier options

Error Grouping

In general, exception notification will send every notification when an error occured, which may result in a problem: if your site has a high throughput and an same error raised frequently, you will receive too many notifications during a short period time, your mail box may be full of thousands of exception mails or even your mail server will be slow. To prevent this, you can choose to error errors by using :error_grouping option and set it to true.

Error grouping has a default formula log2(errors_count) to determine if it is needed to send the notification based on the accumulated errors count for specified exception, this makes the notifier only send notification when count is: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, ... (2**n). You can use :notification_trigger to override this default formula.

The below shows options used to enable error grouping:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :ignore_exceptions => ['ActionView::TemplateError'] + ExceptionNotifier.ignored_exceptions,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix         => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address       => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}
  :error_grouping => true,
  # :error_grouping_period => 5.minutes,    # the time before an error is regarded as fixed
  # :error_grouping_cache => Rails.cache,   # for other applications such as Sinatra, use one instance of ActiveSupport::Cache::Store
  # notification_trigger: specify a callback to determine when a notification should be sent,
  #   the callback will be invoked with two arguments:
  #     exception: the exception raised
  #     count: accumulated errors count for this exception
  # :notification_trigger => lambda { |exception, count| count % 10 == 0 }

Ignore Exceptions

You can choose to ignore certain exceptions, which will make ExceptionNotification avoid sending notifications for those specified. There are three ways of specifying which exceptions to ignore:

  • :ignore_exceptions - By exception class (i.e. ignore RecordNotFound ones)

  • :ignore_crawlers - From crawler (i.e. ignore ones originated by Googlebot)

  • :ignore_if - Custom (i.e. ignore exceptions that satisfy some condition)


Array of strings, default: %w{ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound AbstractController::ActionNotFound ActionController::RoutingError ActionController::UnknownFormat}

Ignore specified exception types. To achieve that, you should use the :ignore_exceptions option, like this:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :ignore_exceptions => ['ActionView::TemplateError'] + ExceptionNotifier.ignored_exceptions,
  :email => {
    :email_prefix         => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address       => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}

The above will make ExceptionNotifier ignore a TemplateError exception, plus the ones ignored by default.


Array of strings, default: []

In some cases you may want to avoid getting notifications from exceptions made by crawlers. To prevent sending those unwanted notifications, use the :ignore_crawlers option like this:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :ignore_crawlers => %w{Googlebot bingbot},
  :email => {
    :email_prefix         => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address       => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com}


Lambda, default: nil

Last but not least, you can ignore exceptions based on a condition. Take a look:

Rails.application.config.middleware.use ExceptionNotification::Rack,
  :ignore_if => ->(env, exception) { exception.message =~ /^Couldn't find Page with ID=/ },
  :email => {
    :email_prefix         => "[PREFIX] ",
    :sender_address       => %{"notifier" <notifier@example.com>},
    :exception_recipients => %w{exceptions@example.com},

You can make use of both the environment and the exception inside the lambda to decide wether to avoid or not sending the notification.

Rack X-Cascade Header

Some rack apps (Rails in particular) utilize the "X-Cascade" header to pass the request-handling responsibility to the next middleware in the stack.

Rails' routing middleware uses this strategy, rather than raising an exception, to handle routing errors (e.g. 404s); to be notified whenever a 404 occurs, set this option to "false."


Boolean, default: true

Set to false to trigger notifications when another rack middleware sets the "X-Cascade" header to "pass."

Background Notifications

If you want to send notifications from a background process like DelayedJob, you should use the notify_exception method like this:

  some code...
rescue => e

You can include information about the background process that created the error by including a data parameter:

  some code...
rescue => exception
    :data => {:worker => worker.to_s, :queue => queue, :payload => payload})

Manually notify of exception

If your controller action manually handles an error, the notifier will never be run. To manually notify of an error you can do something like the following:

rescue_from Exception, :with => :server_error

def server_error(exception)
  # Whatever code that handles the exception

    :env => request.env, :data => {:message => "was doing something wrong"})



Since his first version, ExceptionNotification was just a simple rack middleware. But, the version 4.0.0 introduced the option to use it as a Rails engine. In order to use ExceptionNotification as an engine, just run the following command from the terminal:

rails g exception_notification:install

This command generates an initialize file (config/initializers/exception_notification.rb) where you can customize your configurations.

Make sure the gem is not listed solely under the production group, since this initializer will be loaded regardless of environment.


Instead of manually calling background notifications foreach job/worker, you can configure ExceptionNotification to do this automatically. For this, run:

rails g exception_notification:install --resque


rails g exception_notification:install --sidekiq

As above, make sure the gem is not listed solely under the production group, since this initializer will be loaded regardless of environment.


For v4.2.1, see this tag:


For v4.2.0, see this tag:


For previous releases, visit:


If you are running Rails 2.3 then see the branch for that:


If you are running pre-rack Rails then see this tag:


Support and tickets

Here's the list of issues we're currently working on.

To contribute, please read first the Contributing Guide.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in this project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow our code of conduct.


Copyright (c) 2005 Jamis Buck, released under the MIT license.