
Connection proxy for ActiveRecord for single master / multiple slave database deployments

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This is a fork of the original multidb gem in order to make it working with Rails4.0.

– This GEM was inspired by Rick Olson’s “masochism”-Plugin

multi_db uses a connection proxy, which sends read queries to slave databases, and all write queries to the master database (Read/Write Split). Within transactions, while executing ActiveRecord Observers and within “with_master” blocks (see below), even read queries are sent to the master database.


  • works with activerecord 4.0


put this in your Gemfile

gem 'multi_db', git: 'git@github.com:iubenda/multi_db.git', branch: 'rails4_0'


In your database.yml, add sections for the slaves, e.g.:

production: # that would be the master
  adapter: mysql
  database: myapp_production
  username: root
  host: localhost

production_slave_database: # that would be a slave
  adapter: mysql
  database: myapp_production
  username: root

production_slave_database_2: # another slave
production_slave_database_in_india: # yet another one

NOTE: multi_db identifies slave databases by looking for entries of the form “<environment>_slave_database<_optional_name>”. As a (useless) side effect you get abstract classes named MultiDb::SlaveDatabaseInIndia etc. The advantage of specifying the slaves explicitly, instead of the master, is that you can use the same configuration file for scripts that don’t use multi_db. Also, when you decide to disable multi_db for some reason, you don’t have to swap hosts in your database.yml from master to slave (which is easy to forget…).

To enable the proxy globally, add this to your environment.rb, or some file in config/initializers:


If you only want to enable it for specific environments, add this to the corresponding file in config/environments:

config.after_initialize do

In the development and test environments, you can use identical configurations for master and slave connections. This can help you finding (some of the) issues your application might have with a replicated database setup without actually having one on your development machine.

Using with Phusion Passenger

With Passengers smart spawning method, child processes forked by the ApplicationSpawner won’t have the connection proxy set up properly.

To make it work, add this to your environment.rb or an initializer script (e.g. config/initializers/connection_proxy.rb):

if defined?(PhusionPassenger)
  PhusionPassenger.on_event(:starting_worker_process) do |forked|
    if forked
      # ... set MultiDb configuration options, if any ...
else # not using passenger (e.g. development/testing)
  # ... set MultiDb configuration options, if any ...

Thanks to Nathan Esquenazi for testing this.

Forcing the master for certain actions

Just add this to your controller:

around_filter(:only => :foo_action) { |c,a| ActiveRecord::Base.connection_proxy.with_master { a.call } }

Forcing the master for certain models

In your environment.rb or an initializer, add this before the call to setup!:

MultiDb::ConnectionProxy.master_models = ['CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore::Session', 'PaymentTransaction', ...]

NOTE: You cannot safely add more master_models after calling setup!.

Making one slave database sticky during a request

This can be useful to leverage database level query caching as all queries will be sent to the same slave database during one web request.

To enable, add this to your environment.rb just before MultiDb::ConnectionProxy.setup!:

MultiDb::ConnectionProxy.sticky_slave = true

And add this to your ApplicationController:

after_filter { ActiveRecord::Base.connection_proxy.next_reader! }

NOTE: It’s not possible to toggle this mode in a running process, as the dynamically generated methods will have the initially defined “stickyness” built in.

Using the weighted scheduler

The standard scheduler roundrobins queries to evenly to all slaves. This means that if you’re using servers with different capacity (slower machines, some slaves receiving traffic from other apps etc) you might run into problems. The weighted scheduler tries to address this by assigning a weight attribute to each slave and distribute queries evenly among the server pool.

In your database.yml file add your weights like so:

  <<: *creds
  host: my.slavedb_1
  weight: 1

  <<: *creds
  host: my.slavedb_2
  weight: 10

The above configuration will lead to slavedb_2 to receive 9 times more queries than slavedb_1. Adding in a new slave with:

  <<: *creds
  host: my.slavedb_3
  weight: 5

leads to a distribution of 1:10:5. For 100k queries the numbers could look like this:

Slave 1, with weight 1: 6302 queries
Slave 2, with weight 10: 62764 queries
Slave 3, with weight 5: 30934 queries

The weighted scheduler does not guarantee that the same slave will not receive two queries in a row. We feel this is not an issue, or rather, that such a guarantee doesn’t help much as it’s the complexity of the queries rather than the number that creates problems.

If no weight param is given for a slave, a weight of 1 is assumed. A weight of 0 is caught and silently transformed into a weight of 1.

Usage outside of Rails

You can use multi_db together with other framworks or in standalone scripts. Example:

require 'rubygems'
require 'active_record'
require 'multi_db'

ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = {
  'development' => {
    'adapter'  => 'mysql',
    'host'     => 'localhost',
    'username' => 'root',
    'database' => 'multi_db_test'
  'development_slave_database' => {
    'adapter'  => 'mysql',
    'host'     => 'localhost',
    'username' => 'root',
    'database' => 'multi_db_test'
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection :development

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
  # ...

# ...

Note that the configurations hash should contain strings as keys instead of symbols.

Running specs

If you haven’t already, install the rspec gem, then create an empty database called “multi_db_test” (you might want to tweak the spec/config/database.yml). From the plugin directory, run:

rspec spec