
Post Intern Project; UI test of CAMPUS LMS (e-learning)

Primary LanguageJava


Used Technologys

Maven Central Maven Central Maven Central Maven Central Maven Central Maven Central Maven Central

List of Dependencies

Package Description
TestNG Next Generation Testing Tool.
Selenium Browser Automation Framework.
slf4j The Simple Logging Facade for Java.
commons.io The Apache Commons IO library.
cucumber Cucumber is a tool that supports BDD.
grasshopper HTML & PDF Report tool.

File Structure

|-- src
|   |-- main
|       |-- java
|       |-- resources
|   |-- test
|       |-- java
|           |-- ApachePOI
|           |-- featureFiles
|               |-- Feature Files
|           |-- pages
|               |-- Body, Header, LoginPage, Methods
|           |-- runners
|               |-- AllTestRunner
|               |-- ParallelTestRunner
|               |-- RegressionTestRunner
|               |-- SmokeTestRunner
|           |-- StepDefinitions
|               |-- Hooks
|               |-- * Test Class Files
|           |-- Utilities
|               |-- BaseDriver
|               |-- Config
|               |-- ExcelUtility
|           |-- XML
|               |-- XMLRUNNER
|       |-- resources
|       |-- results
|           |-- reports*
|           |-- .gitignore
|-- .gitignore
|-- pom.xmlTestRunner


Aygül Abilova abilovaygul@gmail.com https://github.com/AyGulll
Senol Dogan senoldogan2018@gmail.com https://github.com/DoganSenol
Enes Büke enes.buke12@gmail.com https://github.com/enesbuke
Talat Aihemaijiang javauchun@gmail.com https://github.com/TailaitiAihemaijang
Ümit Boyraz iuboyraz@gmail.com https://github.com/iuboyraz
Rustam Roz rustamrozik626@gmail.com https://github.com/rustem626