// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © JayRogers // //@version=4

study(title = "Previous Period Levels - X Alerts", shorttitle = "PPL-X", overlay = true, format = format.price)

// Code adapted, and extended from: // - https://www.tradingview.com/pine-script-docs/en/v4/essential/Drawings.html // https://www.tradingview.com/pine-script-docs/en/v4/essential/Drawings.html#examples-of-classic-indicators

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ====== ABOUT THIS INDICATOR // // - A simple but highly customisable display of previous higher time-frame // OHLC values, drawn using line.new and label.new. Nothing fancy yet but... // // - Customised resolution input which excludes time frames lower than 1 hour // while extending the common higher reference inputs to include: // // • 6, and 12 Hour // • 5 Day // • 3, and 6 Month // • 1 Year // // - Alert conditions using an adjustable SMA to help reduce false positive // spam. // // - Full visual customisation options for (almost) every aspect, so it can be // tuned to suit most individual preferences. // // - In line with the miriad visual customisation options is the ability to // change the display format of the Labels, to show more or less information // and, even disable them altogether. // // ====== REASON FOR STUDY // // - To practice advanced user input option handling to allow for a full visual // customisation experience without stepping outside of, or interfering with, // the intended function of the indicator. // // - Provide reasonably clear code commenting and structure in order to be // useful as a potential learning aid for others, and future reference for // myself. // // ====== DISCLAIMER // // Any trade decisions you make are entirely your own responsibility. // I've made an effort to squash all the bugs, but you never know! // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ====== OPTION LIST VARS ====== // // // // * Setting up option list variables outside of the actual input can // // make them much easier to work with if any comparison checks are // // required, and can help keep subsequent code clean and readable. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// -- resolution options. i_res0 = "1 Hour", i_res1 = "2 Hour", i_res2 = "3 Hour" i_res3 = "4 Hour", i_res4 = "6 Hour", i_res5 = "12 Hour" i_res6 = "1 Day", i_res7 = "5 Day", i_res8 = "1 Week" i_res9 = "1 Month", i_res10 = "3 Month", i_res11 = "6 Month" i_res12 = "1 Year"

// -- header label formatting options. i_header0 = "DISABLED" i_header1 = "1M C" i_header2 = "1M • C" i_header3 = "1M Close" i_header4 = "1M • Close" i_header5 = "1 Month C" i_header6 = "1 Month • C" i_header7 = "1 Month Close" i_header8 = "1 Month • Close"

// -- price label formatting and decimal accuracy options. i_price0 = "DISABLED", i_accu0 = "#.#" i_price1 = "##.## ~", i_accu1 = "#.##" i_price2 = "P ##.## ~", i_accu2 = "#.###" i_price3 = "P • ##.## ~", i_accu3 = "#.####" i_price4 = "Price ##.## ~", i_accu4 = "#.#####" i_price5 = "Price • ##.## ~"

// -- line style options. i_line0 = "Solid", i_line1 = "Dotted", i_line2 = "Dashed"

// -- label size options. i_size0 = "Auto", i_size1 = "Tiny", i_size2 = "Small" i_size3 = "Normal", i_size4 = "Large", i_size5 = "Huge"

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ====== INPUTS ====== // // // // * Using the new 'inline' and 'group' feature * // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// -- resolutions dropdown list. INP_resolution = input( i_res9, title = "Reference Resolution", options = [ i_res0, i_res1, i_res2, i_res3, i_res4, i_res5, i_res6, i_res7, i_res8, i_res9, i_res10, i_res11, i_res12 ])

// -- alert sources dropdown list. INP_showTracker = input( true, title = "Showing ? ", inline = "alerts", group = "Alerts » SMA Visibility and Settings" ) INP_alertSource = input( open, title = "", inline = "alerts", group = "Alerts » SMA Visibility and Settings", type = input.source ) INP_alertLen = input( 3, title = "", inline = "alerts", group = "Alerts » SMA Visibility and Settings", type = input.integer, minval = 1 )

// -- line styles dropdown list. INP_showOpenActive = input( true, title = "Showing ? ", inline = "openActive", group = "Open » Line Settings", type = input.bool ) INP_lineActiveStyleO = input( i_line0, title = "", inline = "openActive", group = "Open » Line Settings", options = [ i_line0, i_line1, i_line2 ]) INP_lineActiveWidthO = input( 2, title = "", inline = "openActive", group = "Open » Line Settings", type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 10 ) INP_lineActiveColourO = input( #42a5f5, title = "", inline = "openActive", group = "Open » Line Settings", type = input.color )

INP_showOpenPrior = input( false, title = "Show previous extension ?  ", inline = "openPrior", group = "Open » Line Settings", type = input.bool ) INP_linePriorStyleO = input( i_line1, title = "", inline = "openPrior", group = "Open » Line Settings", options = [ i_line0, i_line1, i_line2 ]) INP_linePriorColourO = input( #42a5f588, title = "", inline = "openPrior", group = "Open » Line Settings", type = input.color )

// -- line styles dropdown list. INP_showHighActive = input( true, title = "Showing ? ", inline = "highActive", group = "High » Line Settings", type = input.bool ) INP_lineActiveStyleH = input( i_line0, title = "", inline = "highActive", group = "High » Line Settings", options = [ i_line0, i_line1, i_line2 ]) INP_lineActiveWidthH = input( 2, title = "", inline = "highActive", group = "High » Line Settings", type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 10 ) INP_lineActiveColourH = input( #d32f2f, title = "", inline = "highActive", group = "High » Line Settings", type = input.color )

INP_showHighPrior = input( false, title = "Show previous extension ?  ", inline = "highPrior", group = "High » Line Settings", type = input.bool ) INP_linePriorStyleH = input( i_line1, title = "", inline = "highPrior", group = "High » Line Settings", options = [ i_line0, i_line1, i_line2 ]) INP_linePriorColourH = input( #d32f2f88, title = "", inline = "highPrior", group = "High » Line Settings", type = input.color )

// -- line styles dropdown list. INP_showLowActive = input( true, title = "Showing ? ", inline = "lowActive", group = "Low » Line Settings", type = input.bool ) INP_lineActiveStyleL = input( i_line0, title = "", inline = "lowActive", group = "Low » Line Settings", options = [ i_line0, i_line1, i_line2 ]) INP_lineActiveWidthL = input( 2, title = "", inline = "lowActive", group = "Low » Line Settings", type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 10 ) INP_lineActiveColourL = input( #388e3c, title = "", inline = "lowActive", group = "Low » Line Settings", type = input.color )

INP_showLowPrior = input( false, title = "Show previous extension ?  ", inline = "lowPrior", group = "Low » Line Settings", type = input.bool ) INP_linePriorStyleL = input( i_line1, title = "", inline = "lowPrior", group = "Low » Line Settings", options = [ i_line0, i_line1, i_line2 ]) INP_linePriorColourL = input( #388e3c88, title = "", inline = "lowPrior", group = "Low » Line Settings", type = input.color )

// -- line styles dropdown list. INP_showCloseActive = input( true, title = "Showing ? ", inline = "closeActive", group = "Close » Line Settings", type = input.bool ) INP_lineActiveStyleC = input( i_line0, title = "", inline = "closeActive", group = "Close » Line Settings", options = [ i_line0, i_line1, i_line2 ]) INP_lineActiveWidthC = input( 2, title = "", inline = "closeActive", group = "Close » Line Settings", type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 10 ) INP_lineActiveColourC = input( #fbc02d, title = "", inline = "closeActive", group = "Close » Line Settings", type = input.color )

INP_showClosePrior = input( false, title = "Show previous extension ?  ", inline = "closePrior", group = "Close » Line Settings", type = input.bool ) INP_linePriorStyleC = input( i_line1, title = "", inline = "closePrior", group = "Close » Line Settings", options = [ i_line0, i_line1, i_line2 ]) INP_linePriorColourC = input( #fbc02d88, title = "", inline = "closePrior", group = "Close » Line Settings", type = input.color )

// -- header label format dropdown selections. INP_labelHeaderFormat = input( i_header8, title = "Header Label Format", options = [ i_header0, i_header1, i_header2, i_header3, i_header4, i_header5, i_header6, i_header7, i_header8 ])

// -- price label format dropdown selections. INP_labelPriceFormat = input(i_price5, title = "Price Label Format", options = [ i_price0, i_price1, i_price2, i_price3, i_price4, i_price5 ])

// -- price label decimal accuracy dropdown selections. INP_labelPriceAccuracy = input(i_accu4, title = "Price Label Accuracy", options = [ i_accu0, i_accu1, i_accu2, i_accu3, i_accu4 ])

// -- label linebreak '\n' offset INP_labelLineOffset = input( 2, title = "Labels Line Offset", type = input.integer, minval = -5, maxval = 5 )

// -- label sizes dropdown list. INP_labelSize = input( i_size3, title = "Label Size", options = [ i_size0, i_size1, i_size2, i_size3, i_size4, i_size5 ])

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ====== FUNCTIONS ====== // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

f_getResolution() => // () Description: // - Resolver for custom resolution input selection, converts input to // compatible return string for security, output is also used for less // verbose label text options. // Dependencies: // - i_res1, i_res2, i_res3, i_res4, i_res5, i_res6 // - i_res7, i_res8, i_res9, i_res10, i_res11, i_res12 // Notes: // - i_res0 excluded as it's a token placeholder for default "60".

string _r       = INP_resolution    // a more ternary challenge friendly var
string _default = "60"              // if i_res0 was input, or failure.

// compare input to determine proper string return for security calls.
_return = _r == i_res1 ? "120"  : _r == i_res2 ? "180"  : _r == i_res3 ? "240"  :
          _r == i_res4 ? "360"  : _r == i_res5 ? "720"  : _r == i_res6 ? "D"    :
          _r == i_res7 ? "5D"   : _r == i_res8 ? "W"    : _r == i_res9 ? "M"    :
          _r == i_res10 ? "3M"  : _r == i_res11 ? "6M"  : _r == i_res12 ? "12M" : _default

f_getLineStyle( _inputStyle ) => // string _inputStyle : style selection input // () resolver for custom line style input selection, returns a usable // line style type. // Dependencies: // - i_line1, i_line2 // Notes: // * i_line0 omitted as we default to 'line.style_solid' anyway

// compare input to determine proper line style to return.
_return = _inputStyle == i_line1 ? line.style_dotted :
          _inputStyle == i_line2 ? line.style_dashed : line.style_solid

f_getLabelSize() => // () resolver for custom label size input selection, returns a usable // label size string. // Dependencies: // - i_size1, i_size2, i_size3, i_size4, i_size5 // Notes: // * i_size0 omitted as we default to 'size.auto' anyway

var string _s = INP_labelSize       // a more ternary challenge friendly var

// compare input to determine proper label size to return.
_return = _s == i_size1 ? size.tiny     :
          _s == i_size2 ? size.small    :
          _s == i_size3 ? size.normal   :
          _s == i_size4 ? size.large    :
          _s == i_size5 ? size.huge     : size.auto

f_getLineStyleSet( _string ) => // string _string : short identifier string, expected requests: // - "O" | "H" | "L" | "C" // () gathers grouped styling input information based on string input for // tuple return.

var string  _activeStyle    = na
var int     _activeWidth    = na
var color   _activeColour   = na

var bool    _priorShow      = na
var string  _priorStyle     = na
var color   _priorColour    = na

_activeStyle   := _string == "O" ? INP_lineActiveStyleO :
                  _string == "H" ? INP_lineActiveStyleH :
                  _string == "L" ? INP_lineActiveStyleL : INP_lineActiveStyleC // "C"

_activeWidth   := _string == "O" ? INP_lineActiveWidthO :
                  _string == "H" ? INP_lineActiveWidthH :
                  _string == "L" ? INP_lineActiveWidthL : INP_lineActiveWidthC // "C"

_activeColour  := _string == "O" ? INP_lineActiveColourO :
                  _string == "H" ? INP_lineActiveColourH :
                  _string == "L" ? INP_lineActiveColourL : INP_lineActiveColourC // "C"

_priorShow     := _string == "O" ? INP_showOpenPrior :
                  _string == "H" ? INP_showHighPrior :
                  _string == "L" ? INP_showLowPrior  : INP_showClosePrior // "C"

_priorStyle    := _string == "O" ? INP_linePriorStyleO :
                  _string == "H" ? INP_linePriorStyleH :
                  _string == "L" ? INP_linePriorStyleL : INP_linePriorStyleC // "C"

_priorColour   := _string == "O" ? INP_linePriorColourO :
                  _string == "H" ? INP_linePriorColourH :
                  _string == "L" ? INP_linePriorColourL : INP_linePriorColourC // "C"

[ _activeStyle, _activeWidth, _activeColour, _priorShow, _priorStyle, _priorColour ]

f_setNewlineOffset( _string, _offset ) => // string _string : label string // int _offset : number of breaks to add // () prepends or appends N amount of '\n' breaks to a string

// init empty string to hold the '\n' stack
var string _newLineStack = ""

// create '\n' stack for setting vertical text offset if we have one
if _offset != 0

    // only run the loop if the stack is empty
    if _newLineStack == ""

        // need to start at 0 so that we can properly run + and -
        for i = 0 to _offset

            // so we need to skip the zero pass, else 1 would give '\n\n'
            if i != 0

                _newLineStack := _newLineStack + "\n"

// return adjusted string, or original based on operation
_return = _offset > 0 ? _string + _newLineStack :
          _offset < 0 ? _newLineStack + _string : _string

f_getHeaderText( _verbose, _short ) => // string _verbose : long text for label // string _short : short text for label // () text formatting for label format input selection, returns string // Dependencies: // - INP_labelHeaderFormat, INP_resolution // - i_header1, i_header2, i_header3, i_header4 // - i_header5, i_header6, i_header7, i_header8 // * i_header0 is omitted here, it is used for boolean check for drawing // in f_renderLevel() - no drawing? then no need for the string. // - f_getResolution()

string _f = INP_labelHeaderFormat   // a more ternary challenge friendly var

// choose dropdown input text, or use security() compatible shorthand?
string _periodString    = _f == i_header5 ? INP_resolution :
                          _f == i_header6 ? INP_resolution :
                          _f == i_header7 ? INP_resolution :
                          _f == i_header8 ? INP_resolution : f_getResolution()

// choose full source name, or shorthand?
string _sourceString    = _f == i_header3 ? _verbose :
                          _f == i_header4 ? _verbose :
                          _f == i_header7 ? _verbose :
                          _f == i_header8 ? _verbose : _short

// set up the punctuation
string _punctuation     = _f == i_header1 ? " " :
                          _f == i_header3 ? " " :
                          _f == i_header5 ? " " :
                          _f == i_header7 ? " " : " • "

// return our fully concatenated string
_return = _periodString + _punctuation + _sourceString

f_getPriceText( _float ) => // float _float : float value for label string // () text formatting for label format input selection, returns string // Dependencies: // - INP_labelPriceFormat, INP_labelPriceAccuracy // - i_price1, i_price2, i_price3, i_price4, i_price5 // - i_accu0, i_accu1, i_accu2, i_accu3, i_accu4 // * i_price0 is omitted here, it is used for boolean check for drawing // in f_renderLevel() - no drawing? then no need for the string.

string _f = INP_labelPriceFormat    // a more ternary challenge friendly var

// shorthand or verbose text? ..or just empty?
string _heading     = _f == i_price2 ? "P" :
                      _f == i_price3 ? "P" :
                      _f == i_price4 ? "Price" :
                      _f == i_price5 ? "Price" : ""

// set up the punctuation
string _punctuation = _f == i_price1 ? " " :
                      _f == i_price2 ? " " :
                      _f == i_price4 ? " " : " • "

string _price       = tostring( _float, INP_labelPriceAccuracy )

// return our fully concatenated string
_return = _heading + _punctuation + _price

f_renderLevel( _showing, _series, _verbose, _shorthand ) => // bool _showing : whether or not the level is to be drawn // float _series : the price at ahich to draw the level // string _verbose : long string for use in f_getHeaderText() // string _shorthand : short string for use in f_getHeaderText() // () text formatting for label format input selection, returns string // Dependencies: // - f_getResolution() // - f_getLineStyle(), f_getLabelSize() // - f_getHeaderText(), f_getPriceText(), f_setNewlineOffset() // - i_header0, i_price0 // - INP_lineColour, INP_lineWidth // - INP_labelHeaderFormat, INP_labelPriceFormat, INP_labelLineOffset

// get a time() compatible resolution string from input
string      _resolution     = f_getResolution()

// set up line vars to hold active, and previous level
var line    _lineActive     = na
var line    _linePrior      = na

// set up label vars for active, and previous level
var label   _labelHeading   = na
var label   _labelPrice     = na

[ _activeStyle,
  _priorColour ] = f_getLineStyleSet( _shorthand )

// if the resolution reference time changes
if change( time( _resolution ) ) != 0

    // set up our x-location variables
    string  _xloc   = xloc.bar_time
    int     _x1     = time
    int     _x2     = time_close( _resolution )

    // if we are showing this level
    if _showing

        // LINE DRAWING

        // if previous line exists, delete it before moving on
        if not na( _linePrior )

            line.delete( _linePrior )

        // if we have an active, current line
        if not na( _lineActive )

            // if we are maintaining prior level
            if _priorShow

                // transfer active line pointer to prior, and clear active
                _linePrior := _lineActive, _lineActive := na

                // update x2 to new end-point, and re-style
                line.set_x2(    _linePrior, _x2 )
                line.set_color( _linePrior, _priorColour )
                line.set_style( _linePrior, f_getLineStyle( _priorStyle ) )
                line.set_width( _linePrior, _activeWidth )

            // if not transfering, we need to delete before drawing new

                line.delete( _lineActive )

        // get our new active line set up
        _lineActive   := line.new(  _x1, _series, _x2, _series, _xloc,
                              color     = _activeColour,
                              style     = f_getLineStyle( _activeStyle ),
                              width     = _activeWidth )

        // LABEL DRAWING

        // if our header label format input is not "DISABLED"
        if INP_labelHeaderFormat != i_header0

            // if we have a label, delete it before creating new
            if not na( _labelHeading )

                label.delete( _labelHeading )

            // get our line header text string prepared
            string _string  = f_setNewlineOffset(
                              f_getHeaderText( _verbose, _shorthand ),

            // get our new heading label set up
            _labelHeading   := label.new( _x1, _series, _string, _xloc,
                                  color     = #00000000,
                                  style     = label.style_label_left,
                                  textcolor = _activeColour,
                                  size      = f_getLabelSize() )

        // if our price label format input is not "DISABLED"
        if INP_labelPriceFormat != i_price0

            // if we have a label, delete it before creating new
            if not na( _labelPrice )

                label.delete( _labelPrice )

            // get our line price text string prepared
            string _string  = f_setNewlineOffset(
                              f_getPriceText( _series ),

            // get our new price label set up
            _labelPrice     := label.new( _x2, _series, _string, _xloc,
                                  color     = #00000000,
                                  style     = label.style_label_right,
                                  textcolor = _activeColour,
                                  size      = f_getLabelSize() )

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ====== SERIES, LINES and LABELS ====== // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// -- timeframe change check _changeTime = change( time( f_getResolution() ) ) != 0

// -- get our OHLC Series [ _open, _high, _low, _close ] = security( syminfo.tickerid, f_getResolution(), [ open[1], high[1], low[1], close[1] ], false, true )

var float _previousOpen = na var float _previousHigh = na var float _previousLow = na var float _previousClose = na

_previousOpen := _changeTime ? _open : _previousOpen[1] _previousHigh := _changeTime ? _high : _previousHigh[1] _previousLow := _changeTime ? _low : _previousLow[1] _previousClose := _changeTime ? _close : _previousClose[1]

// -- sma for alert filtering _alertSMA = sma( INP_alertSource, INP_alertLen )

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ====== DRAWING and PLOTTING ====== // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

f_renderLevel( INP_showOpenActive, _previousOpen, "Open", "O" )

f_renderLevel( INP_showHighActive, _previousHigh, "High", "H" )

f_renderLevel( INP_showLowActive, _previousLow, "Low", "L" )

f_renderLevel( INP_showCloseActive, _previousClose, "Close", "C" )

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // ====== ALERTS FUNCTIONALITY ====== // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

f_getCrossAlert( _showing, _level, _series, _direction ) =>

var bool    _crossed    = false

var label   _label      = na
var label[] _crosses    = array.new_label(na)
var label[] _crossesOld = array.new_label(na)

// crossing booleans, over and under
bool _over      = crossover( _series, _level ) ? true : false
bool _under     = crossunder( _series, _level ) ? true : false

if _changeTime
    if array.size( _crossesOld ) > 0
        for i = 1 to array.size( _crossesOld )
            label.delete( array.shift( _crossesOld ) )
    if array.size( _crosses ) > 0
        for i = 1 to array.size( _crosses )
            array.push( _crossesOld, array.shift( _crosses ) )
    _crossed := false
    _crossed := _direction ? _over : _under

// only print our X labels if user has enabled showing
if INP_showTracker and _crossed
    if _showing
        _label := label.new( bar_index, _level,
                             color  = _direction ? color.green : color.red,
                             style  = label.style_xcross,
                             size   = size.small )
        array.push( _crosses, _label )

// return bool validation for the alertcondition()
_return = _crossed

// -- only show plot if user enabled showing plot( INP_showTracker ? _alertSMA : na )

_crossOverOpen = f_getCrossAlert( INP_showOpenActive, _previousOpen, _alertSMA, true ) _crossOverHigh = f_getCrossAlert( INP_showHighActive, _previousHigh, _alertSMA, true ) _crossOverLow = f_getCrossAlert( INP_showLowActive, _previousLow, _alertSMA, true ) _crossOverClose = f_getCrossAlert( INP_showCloseActive, _previousClose, _alertSMA, true )

// -- OHLC Crossover Alert messaging setup alertcondition( _crossOverOpen, title = "PPL X-Over Open", message = "PPL X Alert: SMA crossed over Previous Open Level") alertcondition( _crossOverHigh, title = "PPL X-Over High", message = "PPL X Alert: SMA crossed over Previous High Level") alertcondition( _crossOverLow, title = "PPL X-Over Low", message = "PPL X Alert: SMA crossed over Previous Low Level") alertcondition( _crossOverClose, title = "PPL X-Over Close", message = "PPL X Alert: SMA crossed over Previous Close Level")

_crossUnderOpen = f_getCrossAlert( INP_showOpenActive, _previousOpen, _alertSMA, false ) _crossUnderHigh = f_getCrossAlert( INP_showHighActive, _previousHigh, _alertSMA, false ) _crossUnderLow = f_getCrossAlert( INP_showLowActive, _previousLow, _alertSMA, false ) _crossUnderClose = f_getCrossAlert( INP_showCloseActive, _previousClose, _alertSMA, false )

// -- OHLC Crossunder Alert messaging setup alertcondition( _crossUnderOpen, title = "PPL X-Under Open", message = "PPL X Alert: SMA crossed under Previous Open Level") alertcondition( _crossUnderHigh, title = "PPL X-Under High", message = "PPL X Alert: SMA crossed under Previous High Level") alertcondition( _crossUnderLow, title = "PPL X-Under Low", message = "PPL X Alert: SMA crossed under Previous Low Level") alertcondition( _crossUnderClose, title = "PPL X-Under Close", message = "PPL X Alert: SMA crossed under Previous Close Level")

// ====== PEANUT