It is based on customized Minimal Mistakes. Visit it here
Here is a list of customizations that I have made to the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll static site generator:
The main changes are in main.scss where I define:
- two new themes: sakura and rain
- new variables to handle the theme_name to be used
- define the basic colors to be used throughout the website //basics
- replaced all hardcoded colors with the colors in basics
Basically, only a few variables need to be defined at the top, to have all the website look and feel changed.
Regenerate style
In the bash console type:
npm run scss
//$theme_name : rain;
$theme_name : sakura;
//$theme_name : default;
$gray : #7a8288;
$theme-dark-color : #000;
$theme-light-color : #fff;
$primary-color : #7a8288; //link
$success-color : #62c462;
$warning-color : #f89406;
$danger-color : #ee5f5b;
$info-color : #52adc8;
@if $theme_name == 'sakura' {
$gray : #0E090D; //font color
$theme-dark-color : #5C306B;
$theme-light-color : #FFF7F4; //background
$primary-color : #D42F4D; //navigation top
$info-color : #E4C7CC; //links color in text
//pallete inspiration:
@if $theme_name == 'rain' {
$gray : #41245C; //font color
$theme-dark-color : #B95A84;
$theme-light-color : #fff; //background
$primary-color : #6B316C; //navigation top
$info-color : #D69DAE; //links color in text
- Included the AddThis social sharing instead of custom sharing
AddThis is great. It allows to include sharing sidebars, while also track the sharings. It is based on customized Minimal Mistakes. Visit it here