
This repository contains two projects, one configured with Maven, one with Gradle together with a presentation about Java Build Tools. enjoy!

Primary LanguageJava

Gradle vs. Maven

This repository contains the following:

  • The_Presentation.pptx - a few slides comparing Gradle to maven and other Java build tools.

  • parent-maven - a multi-module with three level organization Maven project

  • parent-gradle - a multi-module with three level organization Gradle project

!!! Use branch feature/two-levels for the same projects with two levels.


If you have doubts about using Maven or Gradle in your project, this short presentation and the attached projects might help you make a decision.

If you need a starting template for a multi-module, multi-level project you might find this toy projects useful as well.

If you have any ideas on how I could improve these projects send me an email or create an issue.

Building and Deploying


gradle clean build

Build it without tests using:

gradle build -x test

Generate JavaDoc

gradle aggregateJavadoc

JavaDoc found at: parent-gradle/build/docs/javadoc/


maven clean install

Build it without tests using:

mvn install -DskipTests

Generate JavaDoc

mvn site

JavaDoc found at: parent-maven/target/site/apidocs/