
Sample project for reproducing issue in community jOOQ trial version.

Primary LanguageJava

jOOQ MariaDB Sample Project

Sample project for reproducing issue in community jOOQ trial version.

Prepare Database

Change directory to docker-build and run the following command to create the container image:

docker build -t prospring6-mariadb:1.1 .

Run the following to start the container:

docker run --name local-mariadb -d -p 3306:3306 prospring6-mariadb:1.1

Reproduce the Issue

  • Access this URL: https://www.jooq.org/download/versions

  • Download jOOQ Free Trial / Java 17+ Distributions using this link : https://www.jooq.org/download/versions#

  • Installed the jars in my local .m2 using the maven-install.sh (log).

  • run the GenerateJOOQClasses.java → expect the
    Exception while executing meta query: (conn=142) SELECT command denied to user 'prospring6'@'' for table 'proc' error and a lot of mysql references, although I am using MariaDB.

  • Or, in a terminal run mvn jooq-codegen:generate → expect the same.

  • in pom.xml comment line marked with (1) amd remove comment from line marked with (2) . Now both the GenerateJOOQClasses.java and mvn jooq-codegen:generate should run fine.


The trial version has a problem, and incompatibility with JDK 17 might not be it.