User Management Web Application


Simple User Management Web Application


Video tutorial




Step 0

In order to run this, you need:

  • Web server (e.g. Apache)
  • PHP
  • MongoDB

Step 1: Install Apache

Run this command: sudo apt-get install apache2

Step 2: Install PHP

Run this command:

sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt
sudo apt-get install php-pear
sudo apt-get install php5-dev
sudo apt-get install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev

Step 3: Install MongoDB

Follow the instructions from:
After that, install mongodb extension:
pecl install mongodb
Put in php.ini file (more info here:

Step 4: Init repo

Clone this repo in /var/www/html.
Run in order to create admin user in database.
Now, you should be able to login from: localhost/UserManagementApp/ with username: admin and password: admin123# (please change this).


The following methods are implemented in backend:

  • user/add
  • user/edit
  • user/find
  • user/delete
  • auth/login
  • auth/logout
  • auth/check


The project is structured in two main components: backend and frontend.


It is structured in the following layers:

  • endpoint layer
  • authentication layer
  • interceptor layer
  • datasource layer
Rest endpoint

The endpoint for all requests is located at backend/rest.php. When a request arrives, it is processed as follows:

  • An interceptor for the request is created. Here, the request is validated (only application/json content-type is accepted). After that, a Request object is created with available information (htmlentites method is called for input data). The Request object contains attributes such as: resource name, resource operation, query parameters and payload. For example, if a request /rest.php/user/find?page=1 arrives, the resourceName=user, resourceOperation=find and queryParameters=["page": 1].
  • Based on resource name from Request object a particular handler will be initialized (e.g. user handler, auth handler)
  • Before a request is handled, it is checked if user is authenticated. If it is, we move on, otherwise, an error is returned.
Request Handler

As is mentioned above, a particular handler for a resource is called based on request's data. Each handler has a list of supported operations. If an operation is not supported, the request fails.

User Resource Handler

The handler for user resource supports the following operations:

  • Add user operation: First, it validates the data received. After that, it is checked if the username already exists (must be unique). Then, it is verified if the user can add a new user (is admin). Also, the password is encrypted in this step. Finally, method from data access object is called and information is added into database and response is returned.
  • Edit user: Firstly, it is checked if the username for the user that must be edited is provided. After that, data is validated, permissions are checked (here, a user can be edited by admin or by himself). If currently authenticated user edits his information, then the data from session must be update (username and role).
  • Find user: It is validated the request query (only some attributes are allowed: e.g. page) and the query from payload (allowed attributes are: filterValue, sortBy and sortOrder). After this step, input queries are mapped to database queries and relevant documents are fetched from database. Also, if page is provided, this method will handle pagination.
  • Delete user: If the user has permissions to delete an array with ids, then the documents with these ids are deleted.
Authentication Handler

Authentication handler has the following supported operation:

  • Check operation: Checks if an user is authenticated or not
  • Login operation: Logs a user into the system if the input data is correct. Also, it sets the session details for logged in user.
  • Logout operation: Logs out a user from the system. The session is destroyed.


It is structured as follows:

  • templates/ directory contains elements for each view (relevant names for each view exist in this folder - managementTemplate.js contains the elements for entire user management area).
  • Each javascript file handles one single event except userManagementView.js (userManagementView.js handles all events that occur in user management view area (add user, refresh grid, build grid, except users deletion)).
  • generateManagementPage.js is used to load initial page (used in buildInitialPage.js and loginSubmit.js)
  • If it is received from backend a auth=false response, then login form will be shown
Login Section

When index.html is loaded, buildInitialPage.js will populate the page with relevant elements. If user is authenticated, then user management page will be generated. Otherwise, login form will be shown.

Edit Account Section

Username or password values are sent to the server, but also the current username of authenticated user (based on this username the document from database will be updated).

Add User Section

Data are sent to the server through rest.php/user/add endpoint.

Edit User Section

When users are created into the grid, elements will store their username (in order to find the user we want to edit based on his username). Thus, when a user is edited, we already have his username. Also, authenticated user username is obtained, because if current user is edited, we must reload the element (Welocome, <user_name>) with the new username.

Build Grid Section (User Management View)

Firstly, we should obtain few information here:

  • What page we should load
  • If sort or filters are applied, then do not remove them

Page number is obtained from pagination section (will be discussed). If it does not exist, then set default value to 1.
Filter value and sort value are obtained from previously saved values (if any).
A query to the rest.php/user/find/page=\<no\> will be sent. Now, we should obtain the users according to our query.
Grid will be created.
Current user will be marked with (you) near his username.
Based on response from server, pagination is built also. An element with page number value will be saved.

Filter User Section

When a filter is applied, it will look in username, role and email values to find relevant information.

Sort User Section

Sort each column based on criteria: asc or desc. Grid will be reloaded

Delete User Section

It Deletes selected users. An array with username values are sent to the server. Grid will be reloaded if users were deleted.