jstime is a time and calendar library for JavaScript. TODO: describe the concepts of AbsoluteTime and Chronology. Example API: Time.instant() // => AbsoluteTime Time.utc() // => Chronology Time.here() // => Chronology Time( new Date() ) // => Chronology Time( "2009-01-02T12:34:56Z" ) // => Chronology Time.unix( 1231001003 ) // => AbsoluteTime Time.millis( 1231001003000 ) // => AbsoluteTime Time.here().at(2008,12,31) // => Chronology Time.here().at({day: 12, month: 1, year: 2009}) // => Chronology Time.at(2008,12,31) // => Chronology. Synonymous with Time.here().at(... Time.at({day: 12, month: 1, year: 2009}) // => Chronology. Synonymous with Time.here().at(... Time.here().next({hour: 20}) // => Chronology. Next calendar date that satisfies the constraint Time.here().add({hours: 5}) // => Chronology. "hour" works too. Time.here().subtract({days: 1}) // => Chronology. "day" works too. Works just like ".add({days: -1})". Time.here().since( Time.at(2009,1,1) ) // => Period, e.g {days: 5, hours:20, minutes:3} Time.here().until( Time.at(2009,1,1) ) // => Period, e.g {days: 5, hours:20, minutes:3}. since = -until Time.here().strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S %Z") // => string Time.here().toString() // => returns ISO 8601 string Time.instant().toDate() // => a Date object, for compatibility Time.instant().toMillis() // => milliseconds since the Epoch, Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 UTC Time.instant().add( 1000 ) // => AbsoluteTime. Add x milliseconds Time.instant().millisSince( Time.unix(1234567890) ) // => number of milliseconds Time.instant().millisUntil( 1234567890123 ) // => number of milliseconds. since = -until. Time.instant().toString() // => returns ISO 8601 string in Z zone jstime draws inspiration from the Joda-Time library http://joda-time.sf.net.