
Quickstart for deploying a Hugo blog on IU Luddy Servers.

Primary LanguageShell

Hugo Blogging Quickstart

A minimal repository based on the Hugo Quick Start guide to get started with blogging and deploying on Luddy web servers.


Clone repository and submodules

git clone git@github.com:iuprohealth/hugo-blogging-quickstart.git
cd hugo-blogging-quickstart/
git submodule init
git submodule update

Download a copy of hugo

We can download a copy from the repository: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases

For convenience, setup scripts for Linux/MacOS will download a copy and extract it here:

bash setup_hugo_linux.sh
bash setup_hugo_macos.sh

Preview the blog locally

./hugo -D server

This should show the site running on: http://localhost:1313/~hayesall/blog/

... we'll tweak the address in the next step.

Deploy to Luddy Web Servers

(1) If you haven't before, login to one of the Luddy servers (e.g. burrow) and run the make-cgi setup script.1

ssh yourusername@burrow.luddy.indiana.edu

(2) Edit the config.toml file to set your IU username.


(3) Edit the deploy_site.sh script with your IU username.


(4) Run the deploy script, which builds the site and uses rsync to send it to the server2

bash deploy_site.sh

What next?

Look at the content/posts/ directory and the static directory. Currently there's

  • there's a single post: setup-hugo-blogging.md
  • and a single image: faces_in_the_crowd_words.jpg

You could:

  1. Create a second post in the content/posts/ directory
  2. Practice modifying the existing post, viewing changes, and deploying



  1. The Confluence page has further about the servers and this step: How do I run CGI scripts on the Luddy school web server?

  2. The Hugo documentation has some additional notes on deploying with rsync (https://gohugo.io/hosting-and-deployment/deployment-with-rsync/)