React Test: Movies


This is a test about react.js, web development and/or javascript skills. This is not a closed problem, but an opportunity to show us your skills, primarly (but not exclusive) creativity, problem design, agile, scalable and bug free development.


You're gonna to start from a existing react app project and are going to work on top of it, modifying according to your client needs (in this case, us). The project can be cloned from

(you can follow its Getting started to setup and run it).

After setupping and running this template locally, it should be something like showed here: 

If you have any troubles, you can ask for help (or search by yourself, but be careful of Hero Sindrome).

Task 1

In this task you'll need to populate the main view (cards grid list) with movies data from a REST API.

Part A


Access and explore, if you want to, this link: 

and familiarize with its services.


Choose some method to get movie data from it. We suggest something like this end point:

but you are free to choose any other will want.


Make a requisition from your app and organize the data you will need to use in your app later.

Tips / extra explanation

You can use this api key:


or get your own.

There is already a service to get movie data, but it's getting from a json file. In terms of integration and better organization, try to modify the file MovieService.js to make all requisitions and make data accessible.

Part B

In this part you're gonna to integrate your fetched data! If you've used the suggested route, the movie data will come as something like this (something inside answer object):

      "popularity": 389.165,
      "vote_count": 2281,
      "video": false,
      "poster_path": "/xBHvZcjRiWyobQ9kxBhO6B2dtRI.jpg",
      "id": 419704,
      "adult": false,
      "backdrop_path": "/5BwqwxMEjeFtdknRV792Svo0K1v.jpg",
      "original_language": "en",
      "original_title": "Ad Astra",
      "genre_ids": [
      "title": "Ad Astra",
      "vote_average": 6,
      "overview": "The near future, a time when both hope and hardships drive humanity to look to the stars and beyond. While a mysterious phenomenon menaces to destroy life on planet Earth, astronaut Roy McBride undertakes a mission across the immensity of space and its many perils to uncover the truth about a lost expedition that decades before boldly faced emptiness and silence in search of the unknown.",
      "release_date": "2019-09-17"

You'll have to provide to card and show, replacing original data type but keeping its style, the following parameters from your fetched data for each movie:

imageUrl -> Use backdrop_path (with base url provided form api instead of local images
title -> Use title provided from api
subtitle -> Replace it to release_date, properly showed as DD/MM/YYYY, but keeping its style
description -> Use overview provided from api

Task 2

In this task you will need to modify some style from components. Apply the following changes:

  • Center the cards inside main view (cards grid list) (it's originally in flex-start / left)
  • Change the avaliation chip (blue chip with a white number inside of each card) to align with the stars, it should be vertically centered.

Task 3

Make a like button in each card that should notify if you have already reacted to that movie. Don't worry to much about the design aspect. You could implement something like this:

In this moment do not worry about storing this data, but feel free to implement in this way if you want (this is kind of a bonus).