
EtherSim is an Ethereum RPC simulator for testing and development purposes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Warning: moved

EtherSim has been adopted by EthereumJS and subsequently refactored to what is now known as TestRPC

There is also a fork by the amazing guys at NexusDev who did contribute upstream in a true open source spirit. However TestRPC is far better maintained these days and it's recommended devs use it.

What is EtherSim

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EtherSim is a Limited Ethereum RPC simulator for testing and development purposes. EtherSim is used by the Embark Framework 1.x series



$ npm install -g ethersim

Usage - as a RPC Server

$ ethersim

Usage - as a Lib


var EtherSim = require('ethersim');
var sim = new EtherSim.init();

var Web3 = require('web3');
var web3 = new Web3();


Adding accounts

sim.createAccounts(10, function() {})
web3.eth.accounts //=> [..10..accounts..]

Set Balance

sim.setBalance(web3.eth.accounts[0], 123450000, function() {})
web3.eth.getBalance(web3.eth.accounts[0], function(err, balance) {console.log(balance.toNumber())}) //=> 123450000

// send ether from one account to another
web3.eth.sendTransaction({value: 1000, from: web3.eth.accounts[0], to: web3.eth.accounts[1], gasLimit: 10000},function() {console.log("transaction sent")})

// mine transaction

Time Travel

web3.eth.getBlock('latest') // => current time

sim.jump("5 hours")

web3.eth.getBlock('latest') // => will be 5 hours ahead

Start Over
