
A platform that allows students to upload or find old exams to study.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An platform that hosts old university exams and allows the users to see them and upload more.

Try it out now at https://repoprovas-front-six.vercel.app/


This is an web application which students can use to have access to old exams given by their teachers. Below are the implemented features:

  • List all exams by teachers
  • List all exams by disciplines
  • Add exam
  • See exam

By using this app any user can have access to old exams so he/she can study using it.


The following tools and frameworks were used in the construction of the project:

How to run

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Clone the back-end repository at https://github.com/my-user/my-project-backend
  3. Follow instructions to run back-end at https://github.com/my-user/my-project-backend
  4. Install dependencies
npm i
  1. Run the front-end with
npm start
  1. You can optionally build the project running
npm run build
  1. Finally access http://localhost:3000 on your favorite browser (unless it is Internet Explorer. In this case, review your life decisions)