
Work on the characterization and analysis of menstrual cycles using self-tracked mobile health data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Characterization and analysis of self-tracked menstrual cycle data

Work on the characterization and analysis of menstrual cycles using self-tracked mobile health data

We provide a conda environment file for ease of replication in ./menstrual_cycle_analysis.yml

Present directories



Main directory with source code utilities.

  • src/characterization
    Directory with code for data processing

  • src/prediction
    Directory with code for predictive modeling and evaluation.


Main directory with scripts to run, evaluate and plot experiments.

Expected directory structure and content


Cycle length only information for predictive work

  • ./data/cycle_length_data/cycle_lengths.npz
    Numpy array with I (number of individuals) by C (number of cycles per-individual) information


Pre-processed dataframes with cycles and tracking data were used for the characterization of menstrual cycles using self-tracked mobile health data: these are not publicly available.


Directory for plots and results

Characterization outputs for code in src/characterization

  • ./results/characterizing_cycle_and_symptoms
    Results regarding the initial exploratory analysis to characterize the menstrual cycle and self-tracked symptoms

  • ./results/characterizing_cycle_and_symptoms/cohort_summary_statistics
    Summary statistics and plots for the npjDigitalMedicine cohort

  • ./results/characterizing_cycle_and_symptoms/cycle_period_length_analysis
    Summary statistics and plots regarding the npjDigitalMedicine cohort's self-reported cycles

  • ./results/characterizing_cycle_and_symptoms/symptom_tracking_analysis_bootstrapping_{nbootstrapped}
    Results for a bootstrapped analysis (with nbootstrapped samples) of the npjDigitalMedicine cohort's self-tracked symptoms

Predictive outputs

  • ./results/evaluate_predictive_models/
    Directory for results per each evaluated cycle length dataset and model