In order to run this repository code we need to configure the SQL Server database:

The faster way to do so is with Docker.

  • 1 - Run the following command: docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=Thomson123!@' -p 1433:1433 -d
  • 2 - Now we need to create the database with its sctucture: Open your SQL Management system, I am particulary using 'Azure Data Studio'( Inside Thomson.Assessment/Infrastructure/Scripts, there is just one script that you need to run to perform the creation of the database.

After database configuration and creation, to run the application just open your favorite console, make sure to be inside the folder Thomson.Assessment and type dotnet run.

It is a pre-requisite to have dotnet 5 SDK(

-- Talking about the application itself.

In short, this application is build with the new release of dotnet 5 ASP.NET Core.

The main packages inside this code are: