
A Go and php based automated cloudflare worker triage system for high volume free cloudflare worker users (more suitable for alist users).

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Warning⚠: this project was taken over by better developers: https://github.com/codehz/cfworker-balancer


A Go and php based automated cloudflare worker triage system for high volume free cloudflare worker users (more suitable for alist users).

Program description

The Go language is responsible for computing cloudflare data

Need to add scheduled tasks to be executed every 2-5 minutes

The php language is responsible for front-end calculations and 302 jumps to the specified url


带有特定后缀反向代理直接返回功能的分流程序 Triage program with direct return from reverse proxies with specific suffixes


全局走workers的版本 Globally walk the version of workers


直接获取源link的版本 Get the version of the source link directly


使用cloudflare的国家返回头进行分流的版本 A version of triage using cloudflare's country return header


location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

location = /config.json {
    deny all;
    return 403;