
native task

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The nativetask is merged to hadoop trunk(3.0). For now, "The Transparent Collector Mode" is included, the "Native Runtime Mode" is not included.

#What is NativeTask? NativeTask is a performance oriented native engine for Hadoop MapReduce.

NativeTask can be used transparently as a replacement of in-efficient Map Output Collector , or as a full native runtime which support native mapper and reducer written in C++. Please check wiki and this paper for details NativeTask: A Hadoop Compatible Framework for High Performance.

Some early discussions of NativeTask can be found at MAPREDUCE-2841.

#What is the benefit?

1. Superior Performance

For CPU intensive job like WordCount, we can provides 2.6x performance boost transparently, or 5x performance boost when running as full native runtime. native MapOutputCollector mode

2. Compatibility and Transparency

NativeTask can be transparently enabled in MRv1 and MRv2, requiring no code/binary change for existing MapReduce jobs. If certain required feature has not been supported yet, NativeTask will automatically fallback to default implementation.

3. Feature Complete

NativeTask is feature complete, it supports:

  • Most key types and all value types(subclass of Writable). For a comprehensive list of supported keys, please check the Wiki Page.
  • Platforms like HBase/Hive/Pig/Mahout.
  • Compression codec like Lz4/Snappy/Gzip.
  • Java/Native combiner.
  • Hardware checksumming CRC32C.
  • Non-sorting MapReduce paradigm when sorting is not required.

4. Full Extensibility

Developers are allowed to extend NativeTask to support more key types, and to replace building blocks of NativeTask with a more efficient implementation dynamically without re-compilation of the source code.

#How to use NativeTask?

NativeTask can works in two modes,

1. Transparent Collector Mode. In this mode, NativeTask works as transparent replacement of current in-efficient Map Output Collector, with zero changes required from user side.

2. Native Runtime Mode In this mode, NativeTask works as a dedicated native runtime to support native mapper and native reducer written in C++.

Here is the steps to enable NativeTask in transparent collector mode:

  1. clone NativeTask repository
git clone https://github.com/intel-hadoop/nativetask.git
  1. Checkout the right source branch

To build NativeTask for hadoop1.2.1,

git checkout hadoop-1.0

To build NativeTask for Hadoop2.2.0,

git checkout master
  1. patch Hadoop (${HADOOP_ROOTDIR} points to the root directory of Hadoop codebase)

Note: Please make sure you checked out the hadoop 2.2.0 version(for example: git checkout release-2.2.0). Other version should probably works(after changing the pom.xml to make it point to new version), but has not been tested.

Note: Please make sure you are using bash shell to run these commands.

cd nativetask
cp patch/hadoop-2.patch ${HADOOP_ROOTDIR}/
patch -p0 < hadoop-2.patch
  1. build NativeTask with Hadoop

Note: The build scripts has only been tested on CentOS 6 64Bit platform. Other platforms has not been verified.

Note: Prior building, please follow https://github.com/apache/hadoop-common/blob/trunk/BUILDING.txt to install dependancies.

cd nativetask
cp -r . ${HADOOP_ROOTDIR}/hadoop-mapreduce-project/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-nativetask
mvn install -DskipTests -Pnative
  1. install NativeTask
cd ${HADOOP_ROOTDIR}/hadoop-mapreduce-project/hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-nativetask/target
cp hadoop-mapreduce-client-nativetask-2.2.0.jar /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/
cp native/target/usr/local/lib/libnativetask.so /usr/lib/hadoop/lib/native/
  1. run MapReduce Pi example with native output collector
hadoop jar hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar pi -Dmapreduce.job.map.output.collector.class=org.apache.hadoop.mapred.nativetask.NativeMapOutputCollectorDelegator 10 10
  1. check the task log and NativeTask is successfully enabled if you see the following log
INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.nativetask.NativeMapOutputCollectorDelegator: Native output collector can be successfully enabled! 

Please check wiki for how to run MRv1 over NativeTask and HBase, Hive, Pig and Mahout support



For questions and support, please contact

Further information

For further documents, please check the Wiki Page.