Lottery-ticket hypothesis primer. Simple implementation in Keras and TF.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Lottery-ticket hypothesis experiments

Build Status Code coverage

This repository contains a simple and well-tested lottery-ticket hypothesis implementation primer with Keras, to play with. The intention of this project is to provide a starting point for researching around this topic.

Getting started

  1. Install pyenv and poetry in your system following the linked official guides.
  2. Open a terminal, clone this repository and cd to the cloned folder.
  3. Run pyenv install $(.python-version) in your terminal for installing the required python. version
  4. Configure poetry with poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
  5. Create the virtual environment with poetry install
  6. Activate the environment with source .venv/bin/activate
  7. Try running the unit tests with the following command nosetests

If you are interested in running code in Jupyter notebooks with the virtual environment that we have just created, run the following command after activating the venv: python -m ipykernel install --user --name lth. This command will install a new kernel in jupyter called lth pointing to the virtual environment we have just created.

See an example of the LTH code in the notebooks folder.


Feel free to send issues or pull requests if you want to collaborate.


This repository is licensed under MIT license. More info in the LICENSE file.