GraphQL ultimate sandbox demo

Tech Stack




  • Can view Posts
  • Can view Blog
  • Can login via GitHub


  • Can logout
  • Can create Post
  • Can edit (own) Posts
  • Can view Accounts
  • Can edit (own) Account


Phase I (sandbox)

  • 1. Backend: draft a NextJS app with API routes
  • 2. Backend: make Apollo server work inside NextJS app
  • 3. Backend: mock Blog/Post/User data (hardcode)
  • 4. Frontend: implement Post page with manual fetching
  • 5. Frontend: implement Post index page with manual fetching

Phase II (working prototype)

  • 6. Backend: error handling
  • 7. Frontend: use URQL to fetch data
  • 8. Frontend: error handling
  • 9. Stack: deploy to Zeit
  • 10. Stack: basic PROD/DEV deployments

Phase III (MVP-1)

  • 11. Stack: elaborate config / env aspect
  • 12. Stack: integrate GitHub with Zeit
  • 13. Stack: access DGO Postgres instance
  • 14. Backend: serve data from Postgres (locally)
  • 15. Stack: serve data from Postgres (cloud)

Phase IV (MVP-2)

  • 16. Backend: support authentication
  • 17. Frontend: support authentication
  • 18. Stack: implement authentication via Github (no security)
  • 19. Stack: implement post-related Admin features
  • 20. Stack: implement account-related Admin features

Phase V (full MVP)

  • 21. Backend: use Dataloader (+ Apollo contexts)
  • 22. Stack: implement Post reordering
  • 23. Stack: implement Post pagination
  • 24. Stack: implement Post search/filtering
  • 25: Stack: better auth security (say JWT or alternatives)


Post your inquires here 🕶️


Please ★ this repo if you're interested.