RSS reader allows read your favourites RSS feeds in web browser.
You can add feeds, edit and remove them.
Post that had been read mark as read, so you don't need to read it twice.
Get project
Clone project from git repository to your local disk
git clone git@github.com:ivan-kolesov/test-laravel.git path-to-your-project
Change your current directory to new created: cd path-to-your-project
1. Fast installation
You have to install composer before run the project. See https://getcomposer.org for details. If you'll chose this, skip steps 2-5.
Just run in your console bash script init.sh
which creates local sqlite database and populates the database with test data.
2. Prepare to run
Copy file .env-example
to .env
- if you use MySQL in .env file:
- if you use sqlite:
- type
touch database/database.sqlite
to create the file
- type
Run in console composer install
3. Run migration
Run in console php artisan migrate
4. Seed test data
You can seed feed list with test data, run in console php artisan db:seed
5. Build assets
You have to have yarn or node to build assets.
Run in console yarn install
or npm install
Run in console yarn run prod
or npm run prod
Run schedule
Schedule needs to fetch posts at background, every minute. Set job to cron:
* * * * * php /path-to-your-project/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
You can skip this step and run schedule manually, just run in console php artisan feeds:fetch
every time when you want to fetch new remote data.
Run project
It's not necessary to run the project from any web server, so just run in console php artisan serve
and go to given url in your web browser.
Run unit tests
Unit tests flush the database during it running, so make backup before run unit test.
Run phpunit
in the projects's root category. PhpUnit has to be installed, see more on https://phpunit.de
You can change RSS parser to your own realization. Implement App\Adapters\AdapterInterface
at new adapter class and
point the classes name at config app.php
, like 'feedAdapter' => App\Adapters\YourAdapter::class