Is it possible to publish query result using obsidian publish or equivalent one like quartz?
rao10 opened this issue · 2 comments
rao10 commented
I put tags in callouts and tried to query
block: #maya AND #Inca
and it works in Obsidian editor preview, but when I publish it with obsidian publish, it doesn't work. I copied main.js and styles.css into Obsidian vault's ( publish.js and publish.css) . But it couldn't show result or render.
Any suggestion to make this publish functionality make it work? If it doesn't work for publish, I appreciate a reply
ivan-lednev commented
To be honest, I don't know whether default Obsidian queries work on publish at all. My guess is that they do not, in which case, my plugin is not going to work either.
rao10 commented
Thank you for the clarification.