Outliner-like breadcrumb trees for search, backlinks and embedded queries
- 0
Render [[link]] strings in headings
#38 opened by asderad - 6
- 0
Insane memory usage with backlinks
#37 opened by dartungar - 2
- 1
little but important improvement
#36 opened by mr-d-r - 2
Is it possible to publish query result using obsidian publish or equivalent one like quartz?
#35 opened by rao10 - 4
- 0
- 1
[Feature Request] Better Search Views for Reference Blocks in Outgoing Links Pane
#31 opened by VerAn1015 - 2
possible settings options
#32 opened by ondrobaco - 2
[FR] - Link Button for Unlinked Mentions
#30 opened by Friedolito - 1
`Ctrl+Alt+Click` doesn't open results in new pane
#20 opened by nhan000 - 1
[BUG] If there exists a link to a page from a property field, the results from that page show up as raw markdown.
#29 opened by BwezB - 10
- 0
- 0
Checkboxes in search act as if they are "checkable" but do not actually toggle the checkboxes in notes
#26 opened by gbuell - 0
Render copy button in callout for Directly Copy the concent in callout from search view
#25 opened by fornewfork - 7
- 5
- 2
[BUG] When the context display is canceled, search results cannot return a outliner-like view
#24 opened by wwjCMP - 1
- 0
- 2
[FR] Compatible with obsidian-query-control
#22 opened by wwjCMP - 0
[FR] Add an option to ignore H1
#21 opened by merrkry - 4
Render display of custom checkbox
#19 opened by yoghurtdewdew - 3
- 3
- 3
- 4
[Feedback] Awesome Plugin
#1 opened by StefanoRausch - 2
- 1
Excellent work
#11 opened by TfTHacker - 4
missing documentation / how to use this.
#15 opened by paxsali - 1
- 2
- 3
[Feature Request] Show results that use unordered or ordered lists and want to display the entire list
#8 opened by seyeeL - 3
- 4
[BUG] Blockquotes are not rendered as such
#4 opened by ryadaj - 2