AWS Code Pipeline with EKS


Use AWS Code Pipeline to do the CICD on AWS EKS.
The resource update will trigger AWS Codebuild to build a docker image and upload to AWS ECR. And then use AWS Lambda to deploy your image to your EKS Cluster

You will need....

  1. docker
  2. eksctl
  3. kubectl


  1. Clone this project to your own github or codecommit

  2. Create EKS cluster

    • eksctl create cluster --name {{cluster name}}
    $ eksctl create cluster -N 2 -t t2.small --name workshop
  3. Create ECR repository

  4. Create Codebuild role

    • S3 full access
    • ECR full access
    • CloudFormation read only
    • CloudWatch read write
    • EKS full access
  5. Create Lambda Role

    • S3 full access
    • EKS full access
    • Pipeline full access (PutJobResult)
  6. Create CodeBuild project and attach the role we created

    • Setting Environment image
      • Use an image managed by AWS CodeBuild
      • OS: Ubuntu
      • Runtime: Docker
      • Build specification: buildspec.yml
    • Setting Codebuild ENV
      • CLUSTER_NAME ( workshop )
      • S3_BUCKET ( your s3 bucket name )
      • DEPLOYFILE_NAME ( ex: eks-deployment.yml )
      • ECR_URI ( the repository uri )
      • REGION ( us-west-2 )
  7. Create Lambda Function

    • Attach Role
    • python version 3.6
    • Code
    • Setting ENV
      • API_ENDPOINT : EKS api endpoint
      • DEPLOYFILE_NAME ( ex: eks-deployment.yml )
      • S3_BUCKET
  8. Setting cluster auth
    You have to add lambda role to eks admin

      $ kubectl edit -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth
    apiVersion: v1
      mapRoles: |
        - groups:
          - system:bootstrappers
          - system:nodes
          rolearn: arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNTID>:role/EKS-workshop-DefaultNodeGroup-NodeInstanceRole-L38WNL4K7D4T
          username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}
        - rolearn: <LAMBDA ARN>
          username: lambda_deploy
          - system:masters
    kind: ConfigMap
      creationTimestamp: 2018-09-18T02:12:32Z
      name: aws-auth
      namespace: kube-system
      resourceVersion: "26763"
      selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps/aws-auth
      uid: 4cfb11eb-bae8-11e8-a13f-06a8e498af66
  9. Apply your first deployment

    $ docker build -t <ECR URI> ./app
    $ $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region <REGION>)
    $ docker push <ECR URI>:latest
    $ vim ./deployment/eks-deployment.yml

    edit image name

    $ kubectl apply -f ./deployment/eks-deployment.yml
    $ kubectl apply -f ./deployment/loadbalancer.yml
    $ kubectl describe svc/eks-demo-elb
    ## get elb url
  10. Update app

    • update namecard ( ./app/index.html )
    • edit ./script/ $IMAGE_VERSION
    • edit ./deployment/eks-deployment.yml image version
    • git update
  11. Setting Code Pipeline

    • Source
    • CodeBuild
    • Invoke the Lambda
  12. Enjoy the CICD


要設定codebuild的role有 eks cloudformation aws-auth document