
acl config missing

Lorenbain opened this issue · 1 comments

After deploying and using an edited version of the config from aclogin.ini.dist I was getting the following error:

2014-07-03T21:17:48+00:00 CRIT (2): main() AcLogin_Exception: ACL definitions file 'C:\sso\ac-login\public/../config' not found or invalid

I had to add the following to the ini file to resolve:
; ACL - experimental
acl_definition_file = "acl/aclogin.acl.php"

and rename aclogin.acl.php.dist to aclogin.acl.php and set enabled=false.

Maybe the distribution ini files should be updated?

The "ACL" config section is contained in the aclogin.ini.dist file, but I didn't notify about the change anywhere, my fault. And now I see, that it is missing in the example "instance" configuration files acprod.ini and actest.ini. I'll fix that.