OpenID Connect Server in PHP

Note: This is a work in progress. If you are interested, please, contact me.



  • PHP >= 5.3.3
  • Zend Framework >= 2.2


Clone the repository and run composer install from within the root directory.


The server needs a session storage. It comes with a standard storage implementation which uses a MySQL database to store data. If you want to use a different storage mechanism you need to implement it yourself.

To use the MySQL storage you need to create a database, assign a user with read/write rights and run the initialization script:

mysql -u <user> -p <DB name> < vendor/ivan-novakov/phpid-server/doc/auth_server_session_storage.sql


Copy the sample configuration file from vendor/ivan-novakov/phpid-server/config/autoload to config/autoload, rename it from *.php.dist to *.php and modify it appropriately.

Settings to be set:

  • session storage (database)
  • logger
  • client registry storage + add client records
  • user authentication