
Playing around with Tensorflow Extended

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Tensorflow Extended Demo

In this repository I'm taking TFX for a spin.


Aside from requirements.txt, this project requires Python 3.8.12. Lastly, the original content of the fraud directory was populated with the following command:

 tfx template copy \
 --model=taxi \
 --pipeline_name="fraud" \


Since the dataset is fairly large, it is not committed to git, but it can be downloaded from here and saved in data/. We are using a credit card fraud detection dataset.

TFX resources

Here is a list of relevant TFX resources that were used for this exercise:

How to get it working

  • clone
  • download application_data.csv from Kaggle to the top-level data/ directory
  • create a new folder pipeline_outputs in the project folder
  • run make sample_data
  • run make create_pipeline
  • run make update_and_run
  • run make tensorboard to check out the training logs
  • Check out the notebooks (work in progress)

Note that with every run you are accumulating output data.