
Terraform module to create an instance profile and an IAM role for an EC2 instance

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT


Terraform module to create an instance profile and an IAM role of an EC2 instance. IAM policies can be assigned by passing a list of policy ARNs and/or valid JSON policies as variables. Additionally, there are toggles to add default SSM or CW Agent policies.


# Instance profile with only the default policy to allow usage of AWS SSM
module "ssm_profile" {
  source            = "github.com/jeandek/terraform-aws-ec2-instance-profile"
  name              = "SimpleSSMProfile"
  attach_ssm_policy = true

# Instance profile using existing managed policies
module "managed_profile" {
  source      = "github.com/jeandek/terraform-aws-ec2-instance-profile"
  name        = "ManagedPoliciesProfile"
  policy_arns = [

# Instance profile with a custon policy and the CloudWatch agent policy
module "custom_profile" {
  source            = "github.com/jeandek/terraform-aws-ec2-instance-profile"
  name              = "CustomProfile"
  policy_jsons = ["${data.aws_iam_policy_document.example.json}"]
  attach_cwagent_policy = true

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "example" {
  statement {
    effect = "Allow"
    actions = ["ec2:DescribeInstances"]
    resources = ["*"]


Name Description Type Default Required
attach_cwagent_policy Toggles attachment of the CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy policy to allow usage of CloudWatch agent string "false" no
attach_ssm_policy Toggles attachment of the AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore policy to allow usage of AWS SSM string "false" no
name Prefix (eg. abc) of the instance profile (abcProfile) and role (abcRole) names string n/a yes
path Path for the instance profile, role and user-managed policy (if any) string "/" no
policy_arns ARNs of IAM policies for the role list [] no
policy_jsons Valid JSON policies for the role list [] no
tags Tags that should be assigned to the created resources whenever possible map {} no


Name Description
profile_name Instance profile name


Module maintained by Jean de Kernier.