
A LUI tool for downloading manga from and creating cbz archives from a group of downloaded chapters.

usage: [-h] -s START -f FINISH -m MANGA [-p PATH] [-g GROUP] [-c]

-h, --help
	show this help message and exit
-s START, --start START
	An integer argument for first chapter to download.
-f FINISH, --finish FINISH
	An integer argument for last chapter to download.
-m MANGA, --manga MANGA
	A string agrument for the name of the manga to be downloaded. Should be taken from the url in
-p PATH, --path PATH
	An optional string argument for download path. If not given, the manga will be downloaded at ~/download-manga/<MANGA>
-g GROUP, --group GROUP
	An optional argument for grouping the downloaded chapter in cbz archives. If not given, the manga will be grouped in 5 chapter archives.
-c, --clear
	An optional argument for clearing the images after grouping in cbz archives.