
Migrating to Kotlin, Rx, MVVM, AAC, Koin

Primary LanguageJava


Description appears soon...

App structure

1. The whole DailyBudgeting Android app project consists of two modules:

  • this one – which is within this repo – is actually the app itself, though, without a sync function;
  • syncing users' data – it's implemented as a separate module for security reasons.

So, if you consider to compile the app or clone the repo, you may want to comment out the syncing lines in the code.

2. This project has two branches:

  • kotlin-mvvm-aac-rx-koin. It's the main branch that is supported and is used to compile the DailyBudgeting app for the Google Play. The following stack is used: Kotlin, MVVM, LiveData, RxJava, Room, Koin. The SOLID principles are followed;
  • java-ca-dbflow. It's a previous, the first branch, that is no longer supported. The following stack is used: Java, Clean Architecture, DBFlow. Note: this bracnh is not finished, though, is still deployable.