Making Sense of Temporal Event Data: a Framework for Comparing Techniques for the Discovery of Discriminative Process Patterns

Paper submitted at CAiSE 2024.

This reposotory contains the DECLARE models obtained from the methods described in the paper. The Java 15 code is provided for the computation of the models accuracies for each event log. The event logs are publicly available for download and they are referenced in the paper.


The Java 17 code uses the Ivy package manager to download the required libraries.

Description of the supplementary material

The supplementary material contains the following folders:

  • input contains the computed DECLARE models for each event log and for each method.
  • src contains the Java code for the metrics computations. The main file to launch is src/makingSenseTemporalData.main/
  • results contains the data reported in Table 1, 2, 3 in the paper.